北京大学人民医院品牌怎么样 申请店铺

北京大学人民医院是哪个国家的品牌?「北京大学人民医院」是 北京大学人民医院 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于北京,由创始人姜院长在1918期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。











"Benevolence and fraternity, wisdom and refinement, honest and good journey" -- a few figures in the inscription "record of the founding of the Central Hospital" (January 27, 1918), which has left a historical imprint of 92 years for the people's Hospital of Peking University (the former Beijing Central Hospital), which is located in the area of the capital city. The people's Hospital of Peking University is self financed, constructed and managed by the Chinese people The first comprehensive western medicine hospital, founded in 1918, was initially named "Beijing Central Hospital", and Dr. Wu Liande, a pioneer of modern Chinese medicine, was the first president. 92 years of development is a witness to the progress of Chinese medicine. The hospital successfully carried out the first allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in Asia and the fourth allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in the world, and the first hepatitis B vaccine and the first extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy equipment in China were born, which made an important contribution to the development of China's medical and health undertakings. After 92 years of hard work, the hospital has developed into a modern comprehensive university hospital integrating medical treatment, teaching and scientific research, and has become an important medical diagnosis and treatment, medical education and medical research center in China. The hospital has 1448 beds, 39 clinical departments and 18 medical technology departments, 10 national key disciplines including hematology, cardiovascular medicine, orthopedics, gynecology and obstetrics, ophthalmology, Urology, pediatrics, dermatology, rheumatology and immunology, and Nephrology, and 4 Peking University research institutes including Hematology Research Institute, Hepatology Research Institute, joint disease research Institute, and applied gravel Research Institute; It has 11 chairmen and elected chairmen of each branch of the Chinese Medical Association, and has stepped into the first national array of disciplines. The hospital undertakes heavy medical tasks. In 2009 alone, the number of outpatient and emergency cases was 16215.17 million, the number of emergency cases was 147120, and the total number of discharged patients was 42821. In hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, liver transplantation, kidney transplantation, leukemia, joint replacement, gastrointestinal tumor, limb salvage chemotherapy for malignant bone tumor, gynecological cancer, spinal function reconstruction, bone and joint injury, minimally invasive surgery for chest, retinal vitreous surgery, hemodialysis, tachyarrhythmia, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, endocrine system disease, diabetes The diagnosis and treatment of fundus diseases, sudden deafness and other fields are at the national leading level. At present, the people's Hospital of Peking University undertakes the teaching tasks of more than 1800 students in 16 categories, including long-term medical students, postgraduates, and specialists. It has a first-class teaching staff, 2 national famous teachers, 2 Beijing Municipal famous teachers, 10 winners of the Taoli award of Peking University Medical Department, and more than 100 doctoral supervisors and master's supervisors. The surgical teaching team won the "national teaching innovation team". The hospital has clinical skill training center and library with complete teaching equipment. On the basis of providing students with self-learning network teaching environment, the system of clinical comprehensive thinking simulation interview system, clinical teaching quality real-time monitoring system, clinical medicine network assistant teaching system and other systems have been innovatively completed, and gradually established clinical medicine education mode with its own characteristics. The people's Hospital of Peking University is a national talent training model demonstration area and a national characteristic professional demonstration site. It has set up the "Research Center for clinicians' professionalism of Chinese Medical Association", and has passed the joint certification of the Royal College of surgery of Edinburgh and the Hong Kong School of surgery, and has officially become the "Training Center for general surgeons". In recent years, the hospital has won 2 first prizes and 1 second prize of national teaching achievements, and 12 national teaching Titles of quality engineering of the Ministry of education. The hospital has a strong research and technology force, with a total area of about 900 square meters, a central laboratory with a total research equipment value of nearly 10 million yuan, and a 900 square meter animal laboratory as the main base of scientific research and experimental animal teaching in the hospital. In 2009, the people's Hospital of Peking University undertook 108 scientific research projects, including the national science and technology major special project of the 11th five year plan, the national science and technology support plan key project, the national key basic research and development plan (973 Plan), etc. it has obtained research funds of 100.4 million yuan and published 90 SCI papers. In recent years, the hospital has won 2 first prizes of national science and technology progress, 4 second prizes of national science and technology progress, 101 national and provincial scientific research achievement awards. With the strong sense of social responsibility of the University Hospital, Peking University People's Hospital has presided over the establishment of the integrated medical service system of "medical and health service cooperation community". With the information construction as the link, the Central Hospital (University Hospital) has been organically integrated into the regional medical and health service, forming a new "X+X integrated" health service chain, providing community residents with health care Services needed for chronic disease management and disease diagnosis and treatment to promote the effective allocation of medical resources. At the same time, the hospital tap the potential from the inside, integrate the modern management concept into the field of hospital construction and management, innovatively build a civilized service defect management system, fully implement the hospital resource planning system (HRP), actively participate in the reform of the medical and health system of the Ministry of health, carry out the pilot of "optimizing the service process, improving the utilization efficiency of medical resources", and "hospital doctors" 12 pilot projects of medical reform, including the pilot project of refined management of medical resources, the pilot project of electronic management of clinical pathway, the pilot project of voluntary service of social volunteers, the pilot project of basic nursing, and the pilot project of electronic certification service system construction, have greatly improved and developed the hospital itself. The people's Hospital of Peking University, which has a long history of 92 years, inherits the hospital culture and contains hope and vision. In the new era, the staff of the hospital adhere to the hospital training spirit of "benevolence and fraternity, wisdom, honesty and good travel", carry the life entrustment in the hospital's forward journey, build a monument of medicine, and make greater contribution to the development of medical and health undertakings!

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