华菱品牌怎么样 申请店铺

华菱是哪个国家的品牌?「华菱」是 安徽华菱汽车有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于安徽省马鞍山市,由创始人刘汉如在2007-01-29期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。



华菱公司积极推进实施智能制造,实现传统制造业的脱胎换骨。投资近50亿元,建成了发动机智能化制造基地和整车绿色制造工厂,拥有年产5万辆中、重型卡车和5万台发动机、5万台变速箱、15万根车桥的生产能力。汉马动力智能化制造基地,集成了国际设计理念、技术和设备,拥有ERP、DCS、ANDON、PMC、DMC等 5大信息管理系统,真正实现了柔性化、自动化、智能化和信息化,是国际重型发动机生产线。整车制造基地包括冲压、焊装、涂装、总装四大生产工艺,总建筑面积15万平米。车身冲压工艺由4条车身冲压线、20台500-2400吨不同吨位的大型机械压力机组成,形成立体化冲压;车架工艺设有一台6000吨油压机和一台5000吨油压机,年生产能力可达10万台。焊装工艺包括三条全自动柔性焊接生产线,主焊接线由55台日本FANUC、NACHI机器人完成点焊、工件搬运上线工作,为国内重卡焊接生产线树立了标杆。



In recent years, China's economic operation shows new development trend and characteristics, and the demand side of commercial vehicle market has changed dramatically. With the rapid growth of logistics and transportation industry and the upgrading of vehicle emissions, the market demands more and more for vehicle driving comfort, handling and energy saving. The traditional manufacturing industry has changed to intelligent and networked manufacturing. In response to the new changes and requirements on the demand side, Anhui Hualing Automobile Co., Ltd. complies with the new situation and constantly promotes the transformation and upgrading of enterprises. Anhui Hualing Automobile Co., Ltd., located in Ma'anshan economic and Technological Development Zone, is 45 kilometers away from Nanjing, the ancient capital of Six Dynasties. It is one of the important production and R & D bases for medium and heavy trucks and core parts assembly in China. The State advocates the development of independent brands and adheres to the model of independent innovation. Hualing company actively promotes the implementation of intelligent manufacturing to realize the transformation of traditional manufacturing industry. With an investment of nearly 5 billion yuan, it has built an intelligent engine manufacturing base and a green vehicle manufacturing factory, with an annual production capacity of 50000 medium and heavy trucks, 50000 engines, 50000 gearboxes and 150000 axles. Hanma power intelligent manufacturing base integrates the international design concept, technology and equipment, has five information management systems, such as ERP, DCS, andon, PMC and DMC, and truly realizes the flexibility, automation, intelligence and informatization. It is an international heavy-duty engine production line. The whole vehicle manufacturing base includes four production processes of stamping, welding, coating and general assembly, with a total construction area of 150000 square meters. The body stamping process is composed of four body stamping lines and 20 large mechanical presses with different tonnage of 500-2400 tons, forming three-dimensional stamping; the frame process is equipped with a 6000 ton oil press and a 5000 ton oil press, with an annual production capacity of 100000 sets. The welding process includes three fully automatic flexible welding production lines. The main welding line is completed by 55 Japanese FANUC and Nachi robots for spot welding and workpiece handling, setting a benchmark for the domestic heavy truck welding production line. Hualing company attaches great importance to the construction of corporate culture and forms its own unique corporate culture. Honesty is the foundation of virtue. Respect customers, serve customers and meet customers' personalized needs. China's economy has entered a new stage of development. Hualing automobile and Hualing people always practice the "craftsmanship spirit" and focus on automobile manufacturing, and dedicate their excellent products and services to customers at home and abroad. Hualing automobile and Hualing people will use strong power to promote the transformation of enterprises to new kinetic energy, and promote independent brands to enter a new era of transformation and development.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/08b26b9bc.html 联系电话:05558323600


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电网投资建设提速 特高压主网将成为未来2年主要增长点

近日,中国西电、平高电气等多家公司收到国家电网中标公告或中标通知。业内人士表示,在国家加快构建新型电力系统、推进大规模设备更新改造的带动下,电网投资持续加码,2024至2025年有望成为电网投资集中兑现期。从投资结构看,特高压主网将成为未来2年电网投资的主要增长点,产业链公司订单及业绩有望持续兑现。随着“十四五”期间特高压线路及主网建设持续推进,产业链公司新一轮周期业绩逐步兑现。 (上证报)

