SBAN品牌怎么样 申请店铺

始创于1777,庄园坐落于法国干邑的中心区域——小香槟区。从创始人FONT GIREAU先生开始, 200多年以来,随着时间的流逝,家族始终秉承对精湛技艺的不断追求和品质的坚守保持。家族中生产者忙碌的身影,无论是酿造生产,还是陪伴其度过漫长的陈酿期,都铭记在了堪称“酿造艺术”的滴滴精华之中,成为了永恒。
上世纪90年代初开始,家族的继承者Paul Armand,在不断扩大葡萄园种植面积的同时,开始从传统的“生命之水”和夏朗德皮诺的酿造者转型为各种烈酒贸易商。在一次偶然的机会下,Paul Armand 邂逅同样是烈酒贸易商的Robertson,出于对法国白兰地的热爱,在家族理念的启发下,双方一致决定要创造出一款品质优良的白兰地“SUPéRIEUR BRANDY ASSEMBLé NOBLEMENT”,简称“SBAN”。从此,“SBAN”这个品牌便踏上了对白兰地不断探索和创新的伟大旅程。
Founded in 1777, the manor is located in the central area of French cognac - champagne area. Since the founder Mr. fontgireau, over 200 years ago, with the passage of time, the family has always been adhering to the continuous pursuit of superb skills and quality. The busy figure in the family, whether brewed or accompanied by its long aging period, is remembered in the essence of "brewing art", and has become eternal. Since the early 1990s, Paul Armand, the successor of the family, began to transform from the traditional "water of life" and the brewer of charlander Pinot Noir to a variety of liquor traders while expanding the planting area of the vineyard. Under a chance, Paul Armand met Robertson, who is also a liquor trader. Inspired by the family concept, the two sides decided to create a brandy of good quality "sup é rieberbrandyassembl é noble", or "sban". Since then, "sban" brand has embarked on a great journey of continuous exploration and innovation of brandy. This brandy, which represents the traditional French brewing technology, is destined to be branded with French brand at birth. At Robertson's suggestion, the main color and logo of sban adopt the historical allusion of French flag, among which blue is the color of St. Martin's robe; white commemorates Joan of arc; red originates from the military flag used by hero St. Denis. Therefore, the four letters "sban" printed in the middle of subEn's logo are St. Martin's robe, crossing a pair of spears of Joan of arc, surrounded by the ears of rice on the flag of St. Denis. Just like the French spirit symbolized by the French flag, "sban" always pursues the inheritance and development of the core spirit of French brandy culture.
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