Courvoisier拿破仑品牌怎么样 申请店铺

19世纪初,爱曼奴尔.库瓦西耶(Emmanuel Courvoisier)来到巴黎,遇到路易.加卢瓦(LouisGallois),一个成功的酒商。他们合伙做生意,成功争取到给宫廷供酒的特许。1811年,拿破仑访问他们在伯斯(Bercy)的酒厂,请他们供应干邑酒给他。后来,拿破仑被流放到圣海伦岛时,库瓦西耶干邑放到英舰“诺森伯兰郡”号以随行,从此人们称这种白兰地为拿破仑白兰地。今天拿破仑的剪影作为所有库瓦西耶干邑的标志。
藏酒用的木都从法国中部的森林原地取材,以取得更细致的木纹。橡树由调校师本人去挑选,然后自然风干3年才拿来使用。 新酒放在新桶中6—24个月,按最终酒质品级而定时期。接着换到旧桶去作余下的藏酿。每年它大约购买2000个新酒桶,大多数由三个桶商供应。
在雅尔纳克的藏酒库中你可以看到四桶一迭放置,为期3至4年。 干邑酒在70度的饱和度数下藏酿3个月,然后减至60度。VS会再藏1年减到55度,而其他藏5至7年。在入瓶前会加入蔗糖糖浆。
各品级皆以40度上市。公司一直保持着高的存酒量,相当于8600万瓶,风格统一。 库瓦西耶曾几次得到奖赏,包括1983年法兰西之光称号、1986年国际名酒大赛中世界XO称号,以及1994年因其干邑的XO帝国而荣获西里尔辉煌勋章(CyrilRayTrophy)。 库瓦西耶还有萨利尼亚克(Salignac)厂,主要用来应付北美市场。
库瓦西耶的干邑的艺术性的设计是由法国艺术—装饰艺术家组织埃尔泰(Erte)设计的,始于1988年。第一项设计名为“Vigne”(葡萄),只有12000瓶——其后六个版本都是如此—包括1892年的大香槟。 埃尔泰在设计瓶子和装饰上都有它的艺术自由。在这些陈酿瓶上,金色的葡萄叶象征酿成这些罕有的调校酒的葡萄质量。
Born in France in 1835, a cognac brand with global reputation under the global spirits giant beamsuntory was acquired by Suntory in 2014. In the early 19th century, Emmanuel Courvoisier came to Paris and met Louis Gallois, a successful liquor merchant. They went into business in partnership and succeeded in winning a concession for wine to the court. In 1811 Napoleon visited their winery in Bercy and asked them to supply him with cognac. Later, when Napoleon was exiled to the island of St. Helens, the Cognac of kuwasiya was put on the British ship Northumberland to accompany him. From then on, people called this brandy Napoleon brandy. Today's silhouette of Napoleon marks all the cities of cuvasier. In 1835, the descendants of the founders merged the business and established their headquarters in yarnak. In 1869, it was an official supplier of wine to Napoleon III. In 1909, the company was transferred to guy and Guyan George Simon (they were British of French origin). Marketing was reformed, including the use of frosted glass bottles in 1960. Kuwasiyer was acquired by Hiram Walker in 1964, sold to allied Lyons in 1987, and changed to allied Domecq in 1994. It has no vineyard of its own, but it has signed periodic contracts with 1200 vineyard owners to supply grape sprinkling, original wine, and some preserved cognac. That is to say, under the contract, there are 24700 hectares of vineyards, which are distributed in four major producing areas (large, small champagne, borderry and fenberva), and Wuyi Brown grapes account for 98%. Kuwasiye has two distilleries in chatonav, on the charlander river near yarnak; it has also signed up with nine winemakers and bought wine from 200 local winemakers. Kuwasiyer added no more than 1% caramel to grade vs and VSOP to unify the color. Preheating is not used in the distilling furnace room. Residue or slag removal distillation depends on the year (e.g. 1966 because of the complexity of the point in the distillation of slag removal), but fenbevar doesn't care because of its short storage life. It doesn't use wood shavings to soak Liu either, because the natural color of some new wood makes the wine taste clearer. The wood used for wine collection is from the forest in central France to obtain more detailed wood grain. The oak tree is selected by the adjustor himself, and then it is dried naturally for 3 years before being used. Put the new wine in the new barrel for 6-24 months, depending on the final wine quality. Then change to the old barrel for the rest of the Tibetan wine. Each year it buys about 2000 new barrels, most of which are supplied by three. In yarnak's wine cellar you can see four barrels stacked for three to four years. Cognac is aged at 70 degrees saturation for 3 months, then reduced to 60 degrees. Vs will be stored for another year to 55 degrees, while others will be stored for 5 to 7 years. Sugar syrup is added before bottling. All grades are listed at 40 degrees. The company has always kept a high stock of alcohol, equivalent to 86 million bottles, with a unified style. Kuwasiye has received several awards, including the 1983 French light title, the 1986 World XO title in the international wine competition, and the 1994 Cyril ray trophy for the XO empire of his cognac. There are also salignac plants in kuwasiye, which are mainly used to cope with the North American market. In addition to producing cognac, the company also has a factory that produces local wines under the brand name vindepayscharentais. It is bottled and shipped to the British market, or exported to Germany in batches for sparkling wine. On the Bank of the charlander River, kuvasier has a grand Museum of Napoleon's life. There was his hat, coat, vest and even a strand of hair in the closet. Visitors can visit the whole process from grape production to distillation, barrel making and grading. Old bottles hold very old wines, such as "upstairs" until 1789, while some glass jars also contain many old wines. The artistic design of the Cognac of couvasier was designed by the French art decoration artists organization Erte, which started in 1988. The first design is called "Vigne" (grapes), and there are only 12000 bottles - and so are the next six versions - including the great champagne of 1892. Eltai has artistic freedom in bottle design and decoration. On these bottles, the golden leaves symbolize the quality of the grapes that make these rare vintages. Each bottle is independently processed for more than 1 month, including 18 different colors of screen printing and 4 kilns of firing. 24 K gold was plated on the bottle by hand. The motifs are grapes, harvest, distillation, Tibetan wine, evaluation, cognac spirit, anban'er and nude women, the latter only has 4000 bottles.