PADRON帕德龙品牌怎么样 申请店铺
PADRON Cigar Company, founded in the US in 1964, is famous for its long cigar cigars. They use natural or dark brown eggshells, mild to medium, and PADRON with soil flavor. They have two companies in Central America, one is TabacosCubanicaS.A. in Nicaragua, and the other is TabacosCentro-americanosS.A. in Honduras. Padron cigar company is one of the few companies that can master all aspects of cigar production process. The company focuses on quality rather than quantity, which is mainly reflected in the current production of only two cigar series. There are 12 sizes of Padron cigars, all of which are made of natural color or dark brown jacket. They are well made and have a mild to medium strong taste. Padron's 1964 anniversary series is small in size and limited in production. All tobacco products are produced in Nicaragua, at least after 4 years of ripening, and use natural color tobacco leaves to make tomato clothing. The taste is medium and strong, smoked and smooth. Founded by Jose O. Padron in Miami, Florida, in 1964, Padron has been producing high priced cigars with long core. Padron1926serieno.9natural feels heavy and dense, without the "light floating" feeling that non Cuban cigars usually have. Entrance, very mellow, very thick, complex aroma, showing a delicate and charming image. It has rich palate, cherry flavor, chocolate flavour and coffee flavor. The whole eggplant is very balanced. There is a very unique "cellar" fragrance, which has been floating in the air all the time, which I have never experienced in all other cigars. The fragrance is moderate, not high, nor sinking. The fragrance is smooth and intoxicating. The intensity is moderate - rich, but very heavy. It has obvious dense feeling and long aftertaste. Good structure, full combustion, no inclination. Proper suction resistance, no sense of hollowness and smooth rhythm. It's very easy to leave ash. If you don't worry about the influence of leaving ash on your taste, you can finish the whole ash easily
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