朗陵品牌怎么样 申请店铺

朗陵是哪个国家的品牌?「朗陵」是 河南一品香酒业有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于河南省郑州市,由创始人甘 * 棣在2014年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


俯瞰确山地形,恰似一倾倒的酒罐。 确山县历史可追溯到远古时期的旧石器时代,酿酒史可追溯到西周时期;西汉初期,朗陵酒被朝廷定为宫廷贡酒。“大风起兮云飞扬,威加海内兮归故乡,安得猛士兮守四方。” 楚汉争霸后,刘邦一统华夏。公元202年,为巩固大汉基业,刘邦因寻镇守边关将才不可得而终日闷闷不乐。丞相萧何奏荐:“朗陵县风物天然秀美,山川熠熠生辉,灵泉名闻天下,更有朗陵美酒,饮之长寿无疆”,高祖饮后大悦,龙体格外清爽,摆驾回銮金殿,疏理诸事得心应手。从此,朗陵酒被定为贡品。唐公元744年(天宝三年),李白得罪权贵,被迫离开长安,奔波至朗山(今确山县),驻马望月亭,饮罢朗陵酒,诗兴大发,题诗一首《古朗月行》。大乐山附近李白拜月亭遗址至今尚存,李白在朗陵醉酒题诗的千古佳话至今仍在民间广为流传。江山易主,朝代更替,多少民族瑰宝在数千年的历史冲刷中消失殆尽,而朗陵酒这一颗璀璨的明珠历尽沧桑岁月,越发散发着耀眼光芒。自西汉起,朗陵的酿酒酒坊从未间断,朗陵人将祖先留下的酿酒技法代代延续创新,酿酒技术臻于完善。1970年,是朗陵人值得纪念的一年。这一年,一个现代化的酿酒企业在确山成立,传承酿酒技法,为社会奉上朗陵佳酿。



河南一品香酒业有限公司以优质高粱为酿酒原料,以大麦、小麦为制曲原料,水源来自中原漓江“薄山湖”,传承双轮发酵工艺、老五甑传统技法,采用固态加工工艺,产品有罐装、坛装、瓶装三大系列; 42度、44度、46度、50度、52度、53度、65度七种度数;250ml、300ml、460ml、500ml、600ml、700ml、1000ml、1450ml、1500ml九种容量; 1×2罐、1×3罐、1×4罐、1×6罐(瓶)、1×8罐等包装规格;产品在历年省、市、县质量抽查中合格率100%;具有入口绵、落口甜、甘润爽口、回味悠长、不上头、不伤胃、醒酒快之特点;





The official website of Langling can liquor is established by the national marketing center of Henan Langling can Liquor Co., Ltd. Zhengzhou Branch (office in Zhengzhou) and the direct sales office of the manufacturer (Henan yipinxiang Liquor Co., Ltd.), which is directly managed by the factory. We mainly sell Langling brand and Langling can brand liquor produced by our company. Henan Langling can Liquor Co., Ltd. was founded in 1970. It is located 2 kilometers north of Queshan County, 3 kilometers away from Beijing Zhuhai Expressway and Xinyang Expressway in the East, and 10 kilometers away from Zhumadian City in the north. The transportation is very convenient. Overlooking the topography of Queshan mountain, it's like a pouring wine can. The history of Queshan county can be traced back to the Paleolithic age in ancient times, and the history of wine making can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty. In the early Western Han Dynasty, Langling liquor was designated as the palace tribute liquor by the court. "When the wind blows, the clouds will fly. When the Weijia sea comes back to its hometown, it will be safe for the fierce men to defend the four sides." After the Chu and Han Dynasties fought for supremacy, Liu Bang unified China. In A.D. 202, in order to consolidate the foundation of Han Dynasty, Liu Bang was unhappy all day long because he couldn't find the generals to guard the border. Xiao He, prime minister, recommended: "Langling county has natural and beautiful scenery, shining mountains and rivers, famous Lingquan, and Langling wine, which has a long life span." after drinking, Gaozu was very happy, and the dragon body was very fresh. He drove back to the golden palace and was very handy in all matters. Since then, Langling wine has been made a tribute. In 744 ad of Tang Dynasty (the third year of Tianbao era), Li Bai was forced to leave Chang'an and rush to Lang mountain (now Queshan county), where he was stationed at the moon watching Pavilion, drank the wine of Lang Ling, and wrote a poem named "the moon in ancient Lang". The site of Li Bai's moon worship Pavilion near Dale mountain still exists, and the story of Li Bai's drunken poems in Langling is still widely spread among the people. After thousands of years of history, many national treasures have disappeared, and Langling wine, a bright pearl, has been shining more and more. Since the Western Han Dynasty, the winery of Langling has never stopped. The people of Langling have continued to innovate the winemaking techniques left by their ancestors from generation to generation, and the winemaking technology has been improved. 1970 is a memorable year for the Langling people. In this year, a modern brewing enterprise was established in Queshan, inheriting the brewing techniques and offering Langling fine wine to the society. Henan Langling can Liquor Co., Ltd. covers an area of more than 200 mu, with an annual output of 10000 kiloliters of Qu liquor. It has 7 production and scientific research departments, such as wine making workshop, Qu making workshop, powder workshop, pure water workshop, filling center, blending center, scientific research institute, etc.; it has 6 automatic filling lines and more than 5000 ton wine storage tanks. The company has more than 150 employees, including 7 undergraduates and 21 junior college students. Song Genming, legal representative of Henan yipinxiang liquor industry Co., Ltd., male, born on November 20, 1963, bachelor's degree, graduated from the law department of the Central Party school; Zhang Liancheng, executive vice president of the company, male, born on February 10, 1967, secondary school culture, graduated from Henan light industry fermentation; Cao Heping, deputy general manager of production, male, born on February 25, 1956, senior high school culture, graduated from Queshan No.1 Gao; Chen Qinghe, business manager of the company, male, born on January 3, 1962, bachelor's degree, graduated from the Department of economic management of Henan Party school. Henan yipinxiang liquor industry Co., Ltd. takes high-quality sorghum as the raw material for liquor making, barley and wheat as the raw materials for koji making, and the water source comes from the "Bo Shan Lake" of Lijiang River in Central China. It inherits the two round fermentation process and the traditional techniques of the old five steamers, and adopts the solid-state processing technology. The products have three series: can, jar and bottle; 42 degrees, 44 degrees, 46 degrees, 50 degrees, 52 degrees, 53 degrees and 65 degrees; 250ml, 300 degrees There are nine capacities of ML, 460ml, 500ml, 600ml, 700ml, 1000ml, 1450ml and 1500ml; packaging specifications of 1 × 2, 1 × 3, 1 × 4, 1 × 6 and 1 × 8 can; the qualified rate of the products in the quality spot check of provinces, cities and counties over the years is 100%; it has the characteristics of soft entrance, sweet mouth, sweet and refreshing taste, long aftertaste, no head, no stomach injury and fast sobering up; the unique form of tank is Langling One of the characteristics of canned wine. The company has obtained more than 30 national patents for packaging, which fills the gap of domestic canned wine packaging. The wine pot has the function of helping the wine to mature. Experts believe that the liquor quality is better when stored in the pot. The company's unique wine pots are all from Jingdezhen, the capital of porcelain in China. They are made of archaize technology, simple and elegant, beautiful and generous, with high value of appreciation, use and collection. Langling can liquor has a unique way to eat wine: large bowl of wine, can and lift, which is known by consumers as "raising official liquor", "one raising official, two raising wealth, three raising family health and happiness". Langling can liquor culture is well-known among the barracks, officialdom, banquets and consumers. With the increasing demand of all sectors of society for Langling can liquor, the original capacity of Langling can liquor is obviously insufficient. Langling can liquor eco industrial park of the second phase of Langling can liquor project started on July 5, 2012, with a total investment of 20 million yuan and an area of 66600 square meters, mainly used for the brewing and storage of original liquor. Since 2007, the company has introduced the "performance management mode" and established the vision, mission, values, long-term, medium-term and short-term development goals of Langling can liquor company from improving the corporate culture. Through the corporate culture manual and employee manual, the company has widely spread the cultural concept of Langling can liquor to employees, customers, suppliers and partners, forming a strong cultural cohesion And leadership traction. Through the establishment of the key performance indicator system of results, process and comparative performance, senior leaders regularly evaluate, timely adjust, continuously improve, pursue performance and improve the company's ability to respond to changes. In terms of strategy formulation, the company analyzes the company's environment through SWOT and other methods, and employs experts to assist in industry investigation, analysis, prediction, strategic planning, and implements the strategic adjustment policy of "target positioning, strict implementation, rolling adjustment and continuous improvement". Since the restructuring, the turnover of the company has maintained an average annual growth rate of more than 30%, becoming one of the local enterprises with rapid growth. At present, domestic liquor enterprises are in transitional competition. The company attaches great importance to the information collection and analysis of the industry development trend and competitors. Through the analysis of internal and external environment, we have established our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Seizing the opportunities and meeting the challenges, the company starts from the vision of the enterprise, fully considers the performance objectives of strategic competitors and benchmarking enterprises, develops long-term, medium-term and short-term strategies, and makes plans and work arrangements for the implementation of the strategic objectives. At the same time of building a "model of Chinese canned wine", we will realize leapfrog development.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/17767c535.html 联系电话:400-900-9601


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熟悉此事的人士周五表示,私募股权投资公司Blackstone正就以约35亿美元收购EQT Corp所拥有的州际天然气管道的少数股权进行深入谈判。如果谈判成功,这笔交易将有助于该天然气生产商削减其在今年早些时候收购管道运营商Equitrans Midstream时积累的债务。消息人士称,Blackstone计划通过其信贷和保险部门进行投资,但由于讨论保密,他们要求匿名。消息人士补充说,如果谈判没有破裂,交易可能会在未来几周内签署。消息人士称,作为与Blackstone交易的一部分,EQT将继续运营输油管道。(新浪财经)













