Bollinger堡林爵品牌怎么样 申请店铺

首席法兰西香槟 (Bollinger) 是法国香槟地区优秀的生产商。1829年,Bollinger酒厂建于法国香槟省兰斯市。当时Bollinger已经以口味特征鲜明著称,它在酿制过程中添加的糖分比其他酒厂要少,在各种甜腻腻的香槟中,Brut型的口味明亮脱俗。
R.D.和Grande Anné
经研究表明,与酵母渣接触3到4年内,使用不锈钢瓶塞与使用软木塞的瓶内氧化程度基本相同,而一旦超过4年,使用软木塞封口的香槟其氧化程度就开始明显低于使用不锈钢瓶塞的酒。而且,时间越长这一差异越显著。因此对于陈年时间为3年的Spéial Cuvé,Bollinger使用不锈钢瓶塞,而对于陈放时间都在5年以上的Grande Anné、Grande Anné Ros R.D.和老藤香槟,Bollinger都使用橡木塞以保障酒的新鲜度。
陈放期间,酒瓶倒立插入木架上的圆孔中,由专门的“拨动师”每日逐瓶转动并渐渐增大瓶身倾斜度。老死的酵母细胞及其他析出的沉淀自然都积在瓶口位置,待陈放时间已足够长时,将瓶口冷冻于零下25℃,拔出木塞,瓶口的冻有渣滓的冰块即会自动吐出,同时还趁此添入一定量含糖的“加味液”(Liqueur d’expeition),以补充酒在发酵过程中的流失,并使多种芳香更臻平衡。Speial Cuvenrut型,每升添加7-9克糖,较佳年份香槟为特干型(Extra-Brut),每升仅加3-4克糖。之后立刻再用木塞封住瓶口。酵母渣排出后,瓶静止至少3个月才可上市。因除渣时气压在酒中产生震动,酒中各成分可利用这段“休养期”回复平衡且与糖分融合。
与Grande Anne和R.D.系出同门的年份香槟还有Bollinger Grande Anne Rose。粉红香槟的酿造步骤与Grande Anne基本相同,多出来的一步在于添加一小份红酒来染出那般红晕。红酒来自A 村中心地带的特级产区“孩子谷”(La Cee Aux Enfants)中收成的黑皮诺,它可赋予香槟一种迷人的滑爽口感,更增加其陈年能力。粉红香槟产量很小,如与Grande Anne 1995一起在2001年上市的Grande Anne Rose 1995仅有1.5万瓶。
Bollinger较佳年份香槟在窖中陈放至少5年方可出厂。酒液呈明亮而成熟的金黄铜色,不仅富有浓郁的水果味,还散发出烤面包般的香气,结构完整,酸度平衡,口感清新又浓郁,余味绵长。1995年份香槟也是Bollinger的代表作之一。它所使用的葡萄来自 17个村庄中特级(85%)和一级(15%)的果园,葡萄品种为63%的黑皮诺与37%的莎当妮,这也是Bollinger各年份香槟所采用的大致调配比例。1997年份香槟所用葡萄来自16个村庄的特级与一级产区。Bollinger Grande Anne的共同点在于耐久存,口感越发浓郁纯厚,香气复杂,在口中留香持久,而随年份不同各有独特韵味,渗透着当年阳光雨水的滋养,展现出地形土质以及传统酿造工艺的诸般风貌特点。
The chief French champagne company, founded in France in 1829, is a champagne brand that earlier entered the British port, loved by British Royal celebrities and other celebrities. The chief French champagne, still fermented in oak barrels, is an excellent producer in the French champagne area. In 1829, the Bollinger winery was established in Reims, champagne Province, France. At that time, Bollinger was already famous for its distinctive taste characteristics. It added less sugar in the brewing process than other wineries. In various sweet and greasy champagne, the taste of Brut type is bright and refined. The chief French champagne has 140 hectares (346 acres) of vineyards, mainly located near the town in the mountain region of Reims. These vineyards meet 70% of the company's grape demand, thus ensuring the enviable quality and style stability of borringer champagne. The highlight of borringer is that it uses grapes of good quality. In their own vineyards, 60% of the grapes are of the first class, and 30% of the grapes are of the first class. Borringer only uses the first grape juice, and the second one is sold to those who make cheap champagne. The excellent grape juice enables the merchants to use wooden barrels to ferment the vintage champagne. The champagne brewed in this way is full of vitality, which can not be imitated by the champagne brewed in stainless steel containers. Champagne that doesn't remember the year should be kept for at least 3 years (the legal time is 12 months), the champagne that records the year should be kept for 5 years, while the champagne that records the year of luxury type should be kept for 8 years. R. D. and grandeann é if simply explained, R.D. is actually a mixed champagne, that is, it is mixed by Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes, but also a special vintage champagne. R. D. champagne is made by sampling and analyzing the base liquor of the year when the better vintage champagne is brewed, and selecting a good part to be aged for a longer time. R.D. has more aroma and aging power - and, of course, more bubbles - than the better vintage champagne of the same harvest. The results show that the oxidation degree of champagne sealed with cork is basically the same as that of wine sealed with cork within 3 to 4 years of contact with yeast residue, and once it is more than 4 years, the oxidation degree of champagne sealed with cork is significantly lower than that of wine sealed with stainless steel cork. Moreover, the longer the time, the more significant the difference. Therefore, for SP é al CUV é and Bollinger aged 3 years, stainless steel stoppers are used, while for grandeann é, grandeann é rose R.D. and rattan champagne aged more than 5 years, Bollinger uses oak stoppers to ensure the freshness of the wine. During the storage period, the wine bottle is inverted and inserted into the round hole on the wooden frame. The special "agitator" turns the bottle by bottle every day and gradually increases the inclination of the bottle body. The dead yeast cells and other precipitates naturally accumulate at the bottle mouth. When the bottle mouth is frozen at - 25 ℃ for a long time, the cork will be pulled out, and the ice with dregs will be ejected automatically. At the same time, a certain amount of sugar containing "liquored 'expression" will be added to supplement the loss of wine in the fermentation process and make a variety of fragrances more fragrant Balance. Special cuvenrut type, add 7-9g sugar per liter, the best vintage champagne is extra Brut type, add only 3-4g sugar per liter. Then immediately seal the bottle with a wooden stopper. After the yeast residue is discharged, the bottle can not be put on the market until it is still for at least 3 months. Because the air pressure vibrates in the wine during the slag removal, the components in the wine can use this "rest period" to restore balance and integrate with sugar. The same vintage champagne as grandeanne and R.D. and Bollinger grandeanne rose. The brewing process of pink champagne is basically the same as that of grandeanne, and the extra step is to add a small amount of red wine to make it red. The red wine comes from the Pinot Noir harvested in the special production area "La ceeaux enfants" in the center of village A. It can give champagne a charming smooth taste and increase its aging ability. The production of pink champagne is very small, for example, the grandeanne rose 1995, which was launched in 2001 together with grandeanne 1995, has only 15000 bottles. The better vintage of Bollinger Champagne can be delivered only after it has been stored in the cellar for at least 5 years. The liquor is bright and mature golden copper, not only full of rich fruit flavor, but also the aroma of toast, complete structure, balanced acidity, fresh and rich taste, long aftertaste. The 1995 champagne is also one of Bollinger's masterpieces. The grapes it uses come from super grade (85%) and first grade (15%) orchards in 17 villages. The grape varieties are 63% Pinot Noir and 37% Chardonnay, which is also the approximate proportion of champagne used by Bollinger in each year. The grapes used in the 1997 champagne come from the super and first grade regions of 16 villages. The common point of Bollinger grandeanne is that it is durable, full-bodied, pure and thick in taste, complex in aroma, and long-lasting in mouth. However, it has unique flavor with different years, permeated with the nourishment of sunshine and rain in that year, showing the terrain, soil quality and various features of traditional brewing technology.