耐跑轮胎连锁品牌怎么样 申请店铺
创始于1994年,提供轮胎/轮毂/机油/ 刹车片/电瓶/车灯等汽配商品及汽车用品的销售与更换
耐跑轮胎连锁创始于1994年,总部位于大连市西岗区香周路89-1号,目前耐跑轮胎连锁直营、联盟分店已遍布辽宁省各地级市。 耐跑秉承“我们用心您安心”的企业服务宗旨,倡导“诚信为本、服务先行”的核心价值观,坚信“让耐跑服务跑遍中国”的企业愿景 ,经过多年的努力耐跑轮胎连锁打破了“中国人不会做服务”的固有观念,,带给消费者真正贴心满意的服务,已成为国内修配行业领军品牌,并开创了轮胎服务行业的新空间。
您身边汽车安全养护卫士,为您提供轮胎、轮毂、机油、 刹车片、电瓶、车灯等汽配商品及汽车用品的销售与更换,是米其林、马牌、韩泰、固特异、邓禄普、倍耐力、雅泛迪、OZ、泰克、博世、瓦尔塔、壳牌、嘉实多、飞利浦等品牌的特约授权经销商,为您提供美国泰克轮胎修补技术,德国博世汽车维修与养护技术;为您带来一站式汽车安全出行的解决方案;店内宽敞整洁的操作区及休息区;规范化的服务流程、统一标准化的服务设施及设备,专业有资格认证的员工团队;“24小时轮胎咨询热线”更让您享受全天候的出行无忧安全保障。 选择耐跑,我们用心,您安心!
Founded in 1994, it provides tire / wheel hub / oil / brake pad / battery / light and other auto parts and auto supplies sales and replacement. Its headquarter is located at No. 89-1 Xiangzhou Road, Xigang District, Dalian city. At present, its chain stores, direct sales and alliance branches have been distributed all over Liaoning Province. It adheres to the enterprise service tenet of "our heart is at your ease", advocates the core values of "integrity-based, service first", firmly believes in the enterprise vision of "let the endurance service run all over China". After years of efforts, the endurance tire chain has broken the inherent concept of "Chinese people will not do service", and brought customers truly satisfactory service, which has become a domestic repair and maintenance practice It is a leading brand in the industry and creates a new space for the tire service industry. The car safety maintenance guard around you provides you with the sales and replacement of tire, wheel hub, oil, brake pad, battery, light and other auto parts and auto supplies. It is a specially authorized dealer of Michelin, Ma Pai, Hantai, Goodyear, Dunlop, Pirelli, yafandi, Oz, TEK, Bosch, Valta, shell, Castro, Philips and other brands, providing you with American Tektronix tyre repair technology, German Bosch automobile repair and maintenance technology; bring you a one-stop automobile safe travel solution; spacious and tidy operation area and rest area in the store; standardized service process, unified and standardized service facilities and equipment, professional and qualified staff team; 24-hour tyre consultation hotline enables you to enjoy all-weather out No worries about safety. Choose endurance running, our heart, you are at ease!
本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/273f562b5.html 联系电话:400-700-9195