AndrewMarc品牌怎么样 申请店铺

创立于1981年的美国品牌ANDREW MARC,诠释了美式的真实、性感、粗犷。
Andrew Marc是美国的皮革品牌,已成为从事成衣外套生产和设计的美国本土品牌。
创立于1981年的Andrew Marc始于一件真毛衬里的羊皮夹克,很快品牌的生产线就引入多种多样的皮革,羊毛和布料。1984年,Andrew Marc建立了自己的二线品牌,Marc by Andrew Marc (现名 Marc New York ), 其宗旨是用一贯稳定的面辅料品质和基本的品牌定位来完善价格定位。
2010年6月,Marc Moto作为Andrew Marc反叛精神理念的一个品牌分支,授权给 Jones Apparel Group Inc 这个用新观念去诠释传统服装的制造商。
Founded in 1981, the American classic clothing brand, the top leather brand, a large-scale enterprise specializing in the production and design of ready to wear outerwear, founded in 1981, the American brand Andrew Marc, interprets the authenticity, sexiness and ruggedness of the American style. Andrew Marc is a leather brand in the United States, and has become a Native American brand engaged in the production and design of ready to wear outerwear. Founded in 1981, Andrew Marc started with a real wool lined sheepskin jacket and soon introduced a wide range of leather, wool and cloth to the brand's production line. In 1984, Andrew Marc established his own second-line brand, marcby Andrew Marc (now known as Marc New York), whose purpose is to improve the price positioning with consistent and stable quality of flour and accessories and basic brand positioning. In June 2010, Marc moto, a brand branch of Andrew Marc's rebellious spirit, authorized Jones Apparel Group Inc, a manufacturer who used new concepts to interpret traditional clothing. Many times of innovation and revolution of leather fabric technology have been made in classical technology, including: wax feeling style, leather aging, multiple coatings, leather oxidation, organic dyeing and garment washing, which have a profound impact on the whole leather market. In terms of the deconstruction of garment technology, it mainly consists of one garment and multiple components, including positive and negative wear, detachable vest, detachable placket, which can provide customers with better quality and design while finding more practicability.