巴山土猪品牌怎么样 申请店铺

巴山土猪是哪个国家的品牌?「巴山土猪」是 巴中市巴山牧业股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于四川,由创始人张育贤在2011-05-23期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

 通江县巴山生态牧业科技有限公司专业于国家优良地方猪种——青峪猪保种及全产业链开发,为社会提供“安全、有机、营养、原生态风味”高品质猪肉。生产基地位于四川省通江县。 公司按照“公司+基地+专业合作社+农户”产业化运营模式,青峪猪原种场座落于环境优美、山清水秀的通江县青峪乡,年提供纯繁父母代优质母猪2000头,青峪猪扩繁场基地分布于通江县北部中山、中部中山乡、镇,建设扩繁基地68个,带动青峪商品猪养殖专业户10000户,五年实现年出栏20万头优质商品猪。公司组建专业化的科技团队对保种场、扩繁基地、专业养殖户实行24小时生产全过程监控,饲养全过程实施HACCP管理体系,达到从养殖场到餐桌100%可追溯,做到“统一标准、统一种源、统一饲料、统一防疫、统一管理、统一销售”,实现全过程是“良心猪、放心猪、同心猪”。 公司聘请畜牧、兽医、管理、运营等方面专家,组建专家团队,成立青峪猪产业化开发研究中心,并与院、所紧密合作,实现青峪猪品种纯繁、扩繁、基因系谱、风味开发、疾病防控等“官、产、学、研、销”大联动。 公司开发的高品质猪肉供应国内大、中城市并出口,产品系列为:鲜肉、冷鲜、腊肉、香肠、腌制等特色风味食品,提供高品质的猪肉,为社会人群提供一站式服务。公司市场运营模式:自营专卖店+网络营销。公司品牌在公共汽车、地铁、高速公路等媒体宣传推广;举办青峪猪文化活动,提升“巴山土猪”品牌的美誉度。

Tongjiang Bashan ecological animal husbandry science and Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the national excellent local pig species - Qingyu pig species conservation and the development of the whole industrial chain, providing the society with "safe, organic, nutritious, original ecological flavor" high-quality pork. The production base is located in Tongjiang County, Sichuan Province. According to the industrialized operation mode of "company + base + professional cooperative + farmer", Qingyu pig breeding farm is located in Qingyu Township, Tongjiang County, which has beautiful environment and beautiful mountains and rivers. It provides 2000 pure breeding quality sows for parents in a year. Qingyu pig breeding farm bases are distributed in the North, middle and middle of Tongjiang County, and 68 breeding bases are built to drive Qingyu commercial pig breeding households to 1000 0 households, and 200000 high-quality commercial pigs will be sold annually in five years. The company has set up a professional scientific and technological team to monitor the whole process of 24-hour production of the breeding farm, the breeding base and the professional farmers, and has implemented the HACCP management system in the whole process of breeding, so as to achieve 100% traceability from the breeding farm to the dining table, achieve "unified standards, unified provenance, unified feed, unified epidemic prevention, unified management and unified sales", and realize that the whole process is "conscience pig, assured pig" , Tongxin pig ". The company employs experts in animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, management, operation and other aspects, sets up an expert team, establishes the Qingyu pig industrialization development and Research Center, and works closely with the Institute to achieve the "official, production, learning, research and marketing" linkage of pure breeding, expansion, gene pedigree, flavor development, disease prevention and control of Qingyu pig. The high-quality pork developed by the company is supplied to large and medium-sized cities in China and exported. The product series are: fresh meat, cold fresh, bacon, sausage, pickled and other special flavor food, providing high-quality pork and one-stop service for the public. The company's market operation mode: proprietary stores + network marketing. The company's brand is publicized in buses, subways, expressways and other media; Qingyu pig culture activities are held to enhance the reputation of "Bashan native pig" brand.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/317d84e2f.html 联系电话:08277271868


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印尼禁售iPhone 16,称苹果未履行投资承诺

10月28日消息,印尼政府日前宣布禁止在该国销售iPhone 16,称苹果公司未履行在印尼国内的投资承诺。印尼工业部早些时候表示,苹果承诺向印尼基础设施和本地采购投资1.7万亿印尼盾(约合1.09亿美元),但实际兑现金额仅为1.48万亿印尼盾。(界面)




