吉林外国语大学品牌怎么样 申请店铺






学校设有高级翻译学院、英语学院、东方语学院、西方语学院、中东欧语学院、国际经济贸易学院、国际工商管理学院、文学院、教育学院、国际交流学院、公共教育学院、马克思主义学院等12个教学单位,开设了英语、日语、德语、法语、朝鲜语、俄语、西班牙语、意大利语、葡萄牙语、阿拉伯语、蒙古语、印度尼西亚语、波斯语、波兰语、捷克语等15个外语语种 ,拥有翻译、教育、汉语国际教育、国际商务、会计5个专业硕士学位授权点和1个教育学一级学科硕士学位授权点,含24个专业领域,其中翻译硕士覆盖英、日、俄、朝、德、法、西、阿、意9个语种,2个中外合作办学项目,36个本科专业,涵盖15个外语语种以及文、经、管、教、艺5个学科门类, 形成了 “外语+专业”“专业+外语”“双外语”和“小语种+英语+专业”等人才培养模式,构建了“多语种翻译+”应用型人才培养体系,已经成为吉林省培养“多语种翻译+”人才和创新研究生人才培养模式的摇篮。学校有国家级特色专业1个、国家综合改革试点专业1个、国家级实践教学示范中心、国家级大学生校外实践基地和国家级教学成果奖1项,有6个吉林省品牌专业,省级“十二五”特色专业8个、省级“十三五”特色高水平专业5个,省级以上特色专业数占学校专业总数的三分之一,省级“十二五”优势特色重点学科2个,省级“十三五”特色高水平学科2个,省重大需求协同创新中心、省特色新型高校智库、省人文社科重点研究基地等省级研究平台6个,省级人才培养模式创新试验区4个,省级实验教学示范中心3个,省级优秀教学团队10个,吉林省高校“黄大年式教师团队”1个,长白山学者讲座教授1名,省级教学名师6名,省级精品课程19门,省级优秀课31门。


Founded in 1995, Jilin foreign language university is one of the key universities in Jilin Province. The University was founded in 1995, approved by the Ministry of education as a private ordinary university in 2003, obtained the right to confer bachelor's degree in 2005 and began to recruit master's degree students jointly; in 2006, all assets of the University were donated to the society through judicial notarization; in 2007, it became a "provincial key university"; in 2010, it was approved by the State Council as a national education system reform - "exploring non business" In 2011, it was approved by the academic degree committee of the State Council to become a pilot private university for training professional degree graduate students (Master of translation); in 2017, it was approved by the academic degree committee of Jilin Province as a doctoral degree authorization unit to establish a university; in 2018, it was approved by the academic degree committee of the State Council as a master's degree awarding unit by the Ministry of education It is approved to change its name to Jilin Foreign Studies University. The university has become a national demonstration base for the reform of private higher education system, a training base for applied high-quality foreign language talents in Jilin Province, a world multilingual cultural education center with many languages and distinctive features in Northeast China, and a cradle for Jilin Province to cultivate "multilingual translation +" talents and innovative graduate talents. The school is located in the scenic Jingyuetan Tourist Scenic Area of Changchun City, covering an area of 703000 square meters and a building area of 310000 square meters. It is a modern "garden style" school that combines the natural atmosphere surrounded by mountains and rivers with the architectural style of Chinese and western, highlighting the unity of environment and humanity. The school has 12 teaching units, including College of advanced translation, College of English, College of Oriental languages, College of western languages, College of central and Eastern European languages, College of international economy and trade, College of international business administration, College of Arts, College of education, College of international exchange, College of public education, College of Marxism, etc., and has set up English, Japanese, German, French, Korean, Russian, Spain, etc There are 15 foreign languages, such as English, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Mongolian, Indonesian, Persian, polish, Czech, etc., with 5 professional master's degree authorization points of translation, education, Chinese international education, international business, accounting and 1 master's degree authorization point of education level 1 discipline, including 24 professional fields, including English, Japan, Japan, etc Russian, Korean, German, French, western, Arabic and Italian 9 languages, 2 Sino foreign cooperative education projects, 36 undergraduate majors, covering 15 foreign languages and 5 disciplines of literature, economics, management, teaching and art, forming the talent training mode of "foreign language + major", "major + foreign language", "dual foreign language" and "small language + English + major", and constructing the application-oriented talent training of "multilingual translation +" The system has become the cradle of cultivating "multilingual translation +" talents and innovative postgraduate talents in Jilin Province. The university has 1 national characteristic major, 1 national comprehensive reform pilot major, 1 national practical teaching demonstration center, 1 National off campus practice base for college students and 1 National Teaching Achievement Award, 6 Jilin Province brand majors, 8 provincial "12th Five Year" characteristic majors and 5 provincial "13th five year" characteristic high-level Majors. The number of specialties above the provincial level accounts for the total number of specialties in the University One third of them are provincial "12th Five Year Plan" advantageous key disciplines, two provincial "13th five year plan" characteristic high-level disciplines, six provincial research platforms such as provincial major demand Collaborative Innovation Center, provincial characteristic new university think tank, provincial key research base of Humanities and Social Sciences, four provincial talent training model innovation pilot areas, three provincial experimental teaching demonstration centers, and provincial excellent teaching There are 10 teams, 1 "Huang Danian style teacher team" of Jilin University, 1 Changbai Mountain scholar lecture professor, 6 provincial famous teachers, 19 provincial excellent courses and 31 provincial excellent courses. The university has actively promoted the internationalization of school running, and now has cooperated with more than 140 universities and educational institutions in more than 20 countries and regions. The university has the enrollment qualification of "Chinese Government Scholarship", "Silk Road scholarship", "Jilin provincial government scholarship for foreign students" and "Confucius Institute Scholarship". In 2015, the University and the City University of New Jersey in the United States implemented the joint education of finance, and established the Confucius Institute, cooperated with the Applied Language University of Munich in Germany, and implemented the joint education of German major. Every year, nearly 600 students are sent abroad to conduct long-term and short-term language and cultural exchanges, carry out undergraduate double degree and undergraduate joint study programs, and the proportion of some professional students going abroad reaches 100%. At present, it receives about 300 foreign students every year.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/34c10759b.html 联系电话:0431-84565054,84533585


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消息称顺丰计划下月底在香港进行第二上市,拟募资约 10 亿美元

10 月 27 日消息,据彭博报道,知情人士透露,顺丰计划下月底在香港进行第二上市,计划 11 月 27 日挂牌,可能募集约 10 亿美元(约 71.28 亿元人民币)资金。若上市成功,顺丰将成为继美的集团之后,香港今年第二大新股。此次上市将有助于顺丰在国际资本市场的地位提升,并为其未来的发展提供资金支持。截至 10 月 25 日收盘,顺丰控股 A 股价格为 43.40 元 / 股,市值达到 2090.11 亿元。(it之家)


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2024年医保目录现场谈判竞价正式开始 结果拟于11月公布

27日上午8点半,2024年医保目录现场谈判竞价在北京正式开始。根据此前公布的信息,今天到30日4天的时间里,将有162个药品参加现场谈判和竞价。今年和此前一样也是由全国各地遴选的25名医保部门的谈判专家,分成5个小组,进行医保支付价格的磋商,这正式拉开了医保现场谈判和竞价的序幕。 据介绍,动态调整方面,今年是国家医保局成立以来连续第7年对医保药品目录进行调整,保持了“一年一调”的状态,及时将符合条件的新药好药新增纳入医保目录。谈判的最后的结果拟于11月份公布,明年1月1日落地,届时将惠及更多的患者。(证券时报)




