阳之源品牌怎么样 申请店铺

阳之源是哪个国家的品牌?「阳之源」是 山西源源醋业有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于山西省晋城市,在2003年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


山西源源醋业有限公司始建于2003年7月,占地面积13000平方米, 设计总投资2250万元,现有员工120人,其中:管理人员12名,技术人员5名, 2007年公司生产老陈醋9000吨,实际销售收入1600万元,实际利税120万元,带动农户3000户,户均增收1200元,转移农村劳动力150余人。





Founded in 2003, the vinegar produced has pure taste, fresh fragrance, high therapeutic and health care value, breaking the traditional vinegar production technology. The vinegar produced by Shanxi Yuanyuan vinegar industry Co., Ltd. was founded in July 2003, covering an area of 13000 square meters, with a total design investment of 22.5 million yuan. There are 120 employees, including 12 managers, There are 5 technicians. In 2007, the company produced 9000 tons of aged vinegar, with an actual sales revenue of 16 million yuan and an actual profit and tax of 1.2 million yuan, driving 3000 households, with an average household income of 1200 yuan and transferring more than 150 rural labor. Based on the strategy of "high starting point, strong radiation", Shanxi Yuanyuan vinegar industry Co., Ltd. introduces the stainless steel automatic production line, relying on the pipeline production equipment and pure grain brewing technology developed by Shanxi food research institute, and adopts the new solar drying vinegar technology to produce the old vinegar series products, breaking the traditional vinegar production technology. The "yangzhiyuan" vinegar produced by the company has pure taste, fresh fragrance and refreshing taste. It not only has high value of food therapy and health care, but also has the functions of reducing blood fat, blood pressure, eliminating food and strengthening stomach, beauty and skin care. Shanxi Yuanyuan vinegar industry Co., Ltd. on the basis of making good aged vinegar, launched seasoning series such as: dumpling vinegar, ginger juice vinegar, pepper vinegar; health series such as: jujube vinegar, medlar vinegar, honey vinegar and other new products. At the same time of making the products stronger and bigger, it has also opened up a variety of sales channels, with a total of more than 230 local and municipal distributors, which are distributed in Shanxi, Henan, Beijing, Shaanxi, Guiyang, Ningxia, Guangdong, Jilin, Shenyang, Hunan, Hubei and other places, laying a solid foundation for the long-term development of the company and forming a good momentum of healthy development. In order to meet the company's demand for raw materials supply and promote the adjustment of local agricultural industrialization structure, the company broke the traditional production and operation mode, took the market-oriented, adopted a variety of production and operation organization forms, adopted the operation mode of "company + base + farmer", cooperated with local farmers, provided high-quality sorghum seeds developed by provincial sorghum Research Institute for free, and implemented the protection price collection According to the purchase policy, two farm type sorghum planting demonstration bases have been established in Qinchi town and surrounding areas, with more than 2000 mu of high-quality sorghum being popularized and cultivated, bringing about 1200 farmers and an average income of more than 1200 yuan per household. Shanxi Yuanyuan vinegar industry Co., Ltd. adheres to the tenet of "reputation based, honesty based", implements the policy of "scientific management, quality-based, brewing high-quality products, building brand, continuous improvement and satisfying customers" in quality, adheres to the concept of "market is mirror, quality is root, innovation is soul" in operation, and lets "yangzhiyuan" vinegar series products enter the domestic and foreign markets.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/68556aadf.html 联系电话:4000356611,0356-4991019


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香港证监会达成首宗同类和解 使康佰控股有限公司公众股东获得赔偿




根据法国巴黎银行Markets 360预测,美债在第四季度的表现可能优于欧洲债券。预计发达国家固定收益资产的收益率将会下降,但美国的下降幅度会比欧洲的更大。而日债是一个例外,日本央行一直在加息,而其他主要央行则在降息或即将开始降息。鉴于对美联储降息后美国10年期国债收益率下跌空间有限的看法,该团队认为,在美联储行动之后,日本10年期国债的收益率可能会升高。(新浪财经)

