宝姿服装品牌怎么样 官方旗舰店


宝姿PORTS源于法国,宝姿服饰吸收了欧洲服饰时尚理念之精华,敏感的捕捉了国际流行元素,融合民族传统,注重款式、色彩的搭配,对细节的精妙把握及对结构的深刻感悟,使得宝姿的每一件作品均处时尚的前列,引领时尚潮流。 宝姿服饰将目标消费者锁定品位高、收入稳定的成功人士,全方面满足各界成功人士不同场合的穿着需要。宝姿的历史要追溯到50年前一个从英属哥伦比亚大学商业专业毕业的学生Luke Tanabe从开自己的小卖部做起,到一个大进口公司的加拿大分公司总裁,在从事进出口工作中,他有了想创建自己品牌的想法。因为对服装设计的兴趣及对旅游的热爱,他将这个服装品牌命名为Ports(港口)。
1961年宝姿诞生于风景秀丽、充满人文气息的加拿大港口城市多伦多。Luke Tanabe的双胞胎女儿成为宝姿品牌最主要的设计师。创始人Luke Tanabe先生热爱周游世界,追求清晨在撒哈拉沙漠畅游,傍晚在纽约晚餐的生活方式。他高瞻远瞩,早就洞悉了未来全球化的方向,将地球图案加入品牌Logo中,并在最具开放创新精神的港口城市开办宝姿品牌店,以倡导“世界灵魂,都市神韵”(Global Soul, Urban Spirit)的精神,确立了国际化的定位。
在Luke Tanabe的带领下,到1989年宝姿在全球已经开设了60多家专卖店。他觉得自己任务完成了,想退休了。这时自60年代移居加拿大的陈启泰陈氏家族很看好这个品牌。陈氏家族买下了宝姿70%的股权,成为宝姿最大的股东。

Baozi PORTS originated in France, and baozi dress has absorbed the essence of European fashion concept, and has captured the international fashion elements with sensitivity, integrated national tradition, emphasized the collocation of styles, colors, meticulous grasp of details and profound insights into the structure, making every work of baozi in the forefront of fashion and leading the fashion trend. Baozi clothing will target consumers with high taste and stable income to meet the needs of successful people from all walks of life in different occasions. Baozi's history dates back to 50 years ago, Luke Tanabe, a business graduate from the University of British Columbia, started his own small sales department and became the president of a Canadian branch of a large import company. In his import and export work, he had the idea of creating his own brand. Because of his interest in fashion design and love of tourism, he named the brand ports. In 1961, Baozi was born in Toronto, a port city with beautiful scenery and full of humanistic atmosphere. Luke Tanabe's twin daughters became the main designer of the baozi brand. Mr. Luke Tanabe, founder, loves to travel around the world and pursues the life style of enjoying the Sahara desert in the morning and having dinner in New York in the evening. He has a long-term vision and insight into the direction of globalization in the future. He added the earth pattern to the brand logo, and opened the baozi brand store in the most open and innovative port city, in order to advocate the spirit of "global soul, urban spirit", and established the international positioning. Under the leadership of Luke Tanabe, by 1989, Baozi had opened more than 60 stores around the world. He felt that he had finished his task and wanted to retire. At this time, Chen Qitai's Chen family, who moved to Canada since the 1960s, was very optimistic about the brand. The Chen family bought 70% of baozi's shares and became the largest shareholder of baozi. In the early 1990s, the economic crisis broke out in North America and quickly spread to the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. The business of baozi in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and other places was severely impacted. In the early 1990s, when the reform and opening-up brought China great vitality, the Chen Qitai family quickly decided to enter the mainland market. In 1993, they opened trial stores in Shanghai and Xiamen, with a profit of 5 million yuan that year. This shows them the huge potential of the Chinese market. Subsequently, in more than ten years, Baozi has opened more than 200 stores in the mainland, becoming the most in the same brand. Today, from Toronto, to New York, Tokyo, Montreal, Dubai, Hong Kong, Shanghai Baozi brand is still expanding to the world, and its group field has touched on clothing, real estate, department stores, etc.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/6b14dd81a.html 联系电话:400-886-1961


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