倍适登品牌怎么样 申请店铺

倍适登是哪个国家的品牌?「倍适登」是蒂森克虏伯普利斯坦汽车零部件(上海)有限公司旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于上海,由创始人RAINER HEUPEL在2011-05-31期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


BILSTEIN核心品牌拥有140年的历史。1873年,当公司在Altenvoerde(现Ennepetal)成立时,谁也没有想到BILSTEIN的的产品会对车辆驾驶的舒适性和安全性产生如此重要的影响。门窗配件使August Bilstein创建的公司名声在外,甚至远飘邻邦。多项专利技术创新为这家羽翼未丰的企业日后的成功奠定了坚实基础。为了满足高品质需求,即使在配件制造的初期阶段,BILSTEIN早在1919年就建立了自己的带铁钢轧机。20世纪20年代,Hans Bilstein从父亲手中接管了公司,带着新的镀镍和镀铬方法从美国回到位于Westphalia地区的家乡。




In 1954, bilstein innovated damping technology. As an innovation system partner of automobile industry, it has been famous for its high quality and performance. Bilstein core brand has 140 years of history. In 1873, when the company was founded in altenvoerde (now ENNEPETAL), no one thought that bilstein's products would have such an important impact on the comfort and safety of vehicle driving. Door and window accessories make the company founded by August bilstein famous and even far away from its neighbors. A number of patent technology innovations have laid a solid foundation for the future success of this fledgling enterprise. In order to meet the demand of high quality, even in the early stage of parts manufacturing, bilstein established its own strip iron and steel mill as early as 1919. In the 1920s, Hans bilstein took over from his father and returned from the United States to his hometown in the Westphalia region with new nickel and chromium plating methods. Bilstein combines original equipment, car development, aftermarket and tuning capabilities in a very special way. This is reflected in the wide application of high quality suspension from series installation to tuning and professional racing. In order to optimize the matching of shock absorbers, bilstein has carried out intensive road test, which shows not only the original equipment expertise of shock absorbers, but also the close attention to the details. The technical knowledge passed down over 140 years has laid the foundation for the success of bilstein. Bilstein is happy to transfer its expertise to small car companies. As a partner of seminars, training centers, tuning experts and distributors, bilstein provides training programs suitable for each target group. Under the auspices of Bilstein college, suspension experts are happy to share their experience in development, racing, level production of original equipment and daily workshop practice. For decades, the high technology of suspension technology has been closely linked with bilstein's high requirements in driving dynamics, driving safety and comfort. The company will also further expand its influence in the coming decades. As a family business founded in 1873, bilstein was reorganized into a group in 1988. Since 2005, bilstein has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp. With its corresponding economies of scale, bilstein's products have opened up the international market. In the future, more and more drivers around the world will praise the quality of bilstein's shock absorbers and suspension.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/72c7810da.html 联系电话:02160202322


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36氪独家获悉,近日智能驾驶公司“宏景智驾”完成了数亿元 C1 轮融资,本轮融资由衢州智盛产投、Prosperity7、中泰仁和及华登国际联合投资。其中,Prosperity7和华登国际作为老股东再次跟投,前者是沙特阿美旗下的风险投资基金,此前已经三度投资宏景智驾。据了解,本次融资将用于智能驾驶量产落地、以及全球市场拓展。






36氪获悉,市场调研机构CINNO Research报告显示,2025年全球OLED智能机面板出货量达8.7亿片,或将同比增长2.9%。




