HINE御鹿品牌怎么样 申请店铺

始于1763年,法国知名干邑白兰地品牌,属于法国企业Thomas HINE & Co.(托马斯依内公司),因其标志为一头栖息的雄鹿,故中文得名御鹿
1867年,艾萨克•乔治•海因(Isaac Georges HINE)注册了御鹿的商标,一个栖息着的雄鹿,回头望着英格兰。这个商标的灵感来自于托马斯海因故乡的传说:一个神奇的动物——白色雄鹿,它可以带来机遇和好兆头。
御鹿(hine)成为干邑的选择有许多原因,总而言之,御鹿酒厂造就其成为干邑世界里珍贵的酒厂之一。特点之一为御鹿是特优香槟年份干邑的专家,御鹿对于年份干邑的收藏令人印象深刻,其年份可追溯到上一个世纪的开始,这些年份干邑都儲存在酒厂现址的酒窖中,受到干邑协会(Bureau National Interprofessionel du Cognac)的监督。
御鹿(hine)干邑儲存的期间远远长过法国法令的基本规定,以期达到高品质标准。御鹿(hine)的Antique XO(古典XO)一向儲存至少一个世代,这是酒厂将近250年来的传统。这些高标准带来的奖励,远超过单纯的商业行为。
It was founded in 1763, the famous French brandy brand in France. It belongs to the French enterprise ThomasHINE& Co. (Thomas Bea company), because its logo is a male deer, so the Chinese name is the world famous deer Hine, which was founded in 1763. The royal deer family has been devoted to brew the extraordinary Cognac, and focus on the essence of Cognac. In 1867, Isaac Georges hine registered his trademark as a deer, a roosting buck, looking back at England. The logo is inspired by the legend of Thomas Hein's hometown: a magical animal, the white buck, which can bring opportunities and good omens. There are many reasons why hind became the choice of cognac. In a word, hind winery has made it one of the precious wineries in the Cognac world. One of the characteristics is that Yulu is an expert of special Champagne Vintage cognac. Yulu's collection of vintage cognac is impressive. Its vintage can be traced back to the beginning of the last century. These vintage cognac are stored in the cellar where the winery is located and supervised by the Bureau National interprofessional Du cognac. Another special feature of royal deer winery is that it focuses on brewing so-called "early landed" cognac, which means that the selected Vintage premium champagne cognac is shipped to Bristol, England, and matured in the local unique cellar environment. Since the 19th century, the custom of hine is also one of the few two vineyards in the selected cognac area One of our wineries, the big and small champagne areas in the center of the Cognac area, produce cognac that is particularly suitable for aging. Hind only produces VSOP and higher grade cognac. The storage period of hine cognac is far longer than the basic provisions of French law, in order to achieve high quality standards. The ancient XO of hind has always been stored for at least one generation, a tradition of wineries for nearly 250 years. The rewards of these high standards far exceed those of pure business.