旭辉品牌怎么样 申请店铺

旭辉是哪个国家的品牌?「旭辉」是 旭辉集团股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于上海市,由创始人林董在2000年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。



旭辉以战略为先导,坚持“3+X”的投资布局战略,即以上海为中心的长三角大都市圈,以广深为中心的珠三角大都市圈,以北京为中心的环渤海湾大都市圈。 1深耕上海、北京、苏州、杭州、宁波、合肥、南京、沈阳、长沙、武汉、重庆、广州等21个一二线城市,已全面形成以上海为中心的“长三角”都市圈、以北京为中心的“环渤海”都市圈和以广深为中心的 “珠三角”都市圈及多个二线核心城市的“3+x”全国化区域布局。深耕于上海、北京、苏州、杭州、合肥、南京、天津、沈阳、长沙、重庆、武汉、广州等近20座一、二线城市,并不断完善全国布局。

旭辉专注于市场研究,出众的投资能力是旭辉超常规发展的强大动力。2016年,面对热点一二线城市土地市场风起云涌、地王频出、竞争激烈的市场环境,旭辉瞄准具有追涨潜力的二线城市拿地,并通过项目合作的方式开疆辟土。 上半年,旭辉共收购12个土地项目,应占权益地价为人民币46亿元,买地平均成本为4300元/平方米。截至2016年6月30日,旭辉土地储备总建筑面积约为1350万平方米。 2015年,旭辉精准把握战略窗口期机遇,对外投资总额逾300亿,取得货值近千亿,其中90%集中在北京、上海、广州等一、二线城市,这为公司未来发展奠定了基础。

金融能力是白银时代房企的核心能力。在高还成长的同时,旭辉保持较低负债,采取稳健的财务策略,持续优化债务结构,降低资金成本,得到越来越多机构投资者的认可,公司债务评级亦不断上调。上市四年来,旭辉一直是资本市场中最活跃的内房股之一,凭借对资本市场的精准把握,旭辉打通境内外融资渠道,2016年,旭辉成功发行60亿私募债,并签订6亿美元的三年期无担保美元/港元双币银团贷款协议,利率低至(LIBOR/ HIBOR)+4%。同时,旭辉以更低利息成本的融资取代高成本的债务,于今年4月悉数赎回总值5亿美元票息12.25%的2018年到期的美元债。 2016年,旭辉分别与建设银行、农业银行、交通银行、中信银行、平安银行等签订总行级别的战略合作,全年获境内银行额度超过710亿。 旭辉积极调整境内外融资比例,并与多家境内大型国有银行总行建立战略合作。

Hong Kong listed company, Xuhui, a medium-sized real estate enterprise integrating real estate development / construction / business management / property services, was founded in Shanghai in 2000, focusing on real estate development and listed on the main board of Hong Kong in 2012 (Stock Code: 00884. HK). Xuhui takes the strategy as the guide and adheres to the "3 + X" investment layout strategy, that is, the Yangtze River Delta metropolitan area with Shanghai as the center, the Pearl River Delta metropolitan area with Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the center, and the Bohai Bay metropolitan area with Beijing as the center. We have cultivated 21 first tier and second tier cities, including Shanghai, Beijing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Hefei, Nanjing, Shenyang, Changsha, Wuhan, Chongqing and Guangzhou. We have fully formed the "Yangtze River Delta" metropolitan area with Shanghai as the center, the "Bohai Rim" metropolitan area with Beijing as the center, the "Pearl River Delta" metropolitan area with Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the center, and the "3 + X" national area with multiple second tier core cities Layout. He has been deeply involved in nearly 20 first tier and second tier cities, including Shanghai, Beijing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Hefei, Nanjing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Changsha, Chongqing, Wuhan, Guangzhou, etc., and constantly improved the national layout. Xuhui focuses on market research, and its outstanding investment ability is a strong driving force for its unconventional development. In 2016, in the face of the hot first and second tier cities with surging land market, frequent land kings and fierce competition, Xuhui aimed at the second tier cities with the potential to catch up with the rising, and opened up territory through project cooperation. In the first half of the year, Xuhui acquired 12 land projects, which should account for 4.6 billion yuan of equity land price and 4300 yuan / m2 of average cost. As of June 30, 2016, the total construction area of Xuhui land reserve is about 13.5 million square meters. In 2015, Xuhui accurately grasped the strategic window opportunity, with total foreign investment of more than 30 billion yuan and goods value of nearly 100 billion yuan, 90% of which were concentrated in first and second tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, laying the foundation for the future development of the company. Financial ability is the core ability of real estate enterprises in the silver age. At the same time of high return growth, Xuhui maintained a relatively low debt, adopted a sound financial strategy, continued to optimize the debt structure and reduce the cost of capital, which was recognized by more and more institutional investors, and the company's debt rating was also constantly upgraded. In the past four years since its listing, Xuhui has been one of the most active domestic real estate stocks in the capital market. With a precise grasp of the capital market, Xuhui has opened up domestic and foreign financing channels. In 2016, Xuhui successfully issued 6 billion private placement bonds and signed a three-year unsecured US dollar / Hong Kong dollar two currency syndicated loan agreement with an interest rate as low as (LIBOR / HIBOR) + 4%. At the same time, Xuhui replaced high-cost debt with lower interest cost financing, and redeemed 12.25% of the total value of US $500 million of bonds due in 2018 in April this year. In 2016, Xuhui signed head office level strategic cooperation with China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of communications, China CITIC Bank, Ping An Bank, etc., and won more than 71 billion domestic bank lines throughout the year. Xuhui actively adjusted the proportion of domestic and foreign financing, and established strategic cooperation with the head offices of a number of large domestic state-owned banks.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/81de39089.html 联系电话:400-673-2232,021-60701010


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