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天渊是哪个国家的品牌?「天渊」是 山西天渊枣业有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于山西,由创始人张生忠在1999期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。









Shanxi Tianyuan Jujube Industry Co., Ltd. is a joint-stock enterprise established and registered on January 3, 2000. It is an agricultural industrialization enterprise named after the province and the land. It is also one of the project units planned by "1311" of Shanxi Province. It is a modern food processing enterprise with high-speed development. It is the largest jujube product management enterprise in China at present. The jujube series health food produced has become the first in domestic jujube products A product version. The company introduces modern bioengineering technology, low-temperature vacuum freeze-drying, low-temperature vacuum concentration and other most advanced processing technologies in the current male and domestic food industry, and has passed the ISO9000; 2000 quality certification of British Moody's company, and obtained the FDA certification of the United States. The company mainly produces "jujube saint", "Tan saint" and "de Miao" series of healthy jujube food. For more than three years, the company has been focusing on the industrialization Adjustment Ideas of provinces, regions and counties on speeding up the development of jujube characteristic industries, taking the market as the guide, scientific and technological progress as the driving force, focusing on internal management to improve product quality, establishing external image to implement the brand strategy, step by step, realizing the leap forward development of the enterprise, increasing output value, profits and taxes year by year, and laying a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the enterprise It has made a solid foundation and made a positive contribution to the economic development and social progress of Linxian County. The company has been awarded the honorary titles of "advanced unit of agricultural industrialization leading enterprise" and "agricultural industrialization leading enterprise" by Shanxi provincial Party committee, provincial government, Luliang local Party committee and executive office. Qin Jianxin, chairman and general manager of the company, has also won many titles, such as "outstanding young marketing innovation expert of Shanxi Province", "May 4th Medal of youth of Shanxi Province", "first excellent young private entrepreneur of Shanxi Province", etc In 2002, he was elected as the deputy of the 10th National People's Congress of Shanxi Province. At present, the company has set up offices in Beijing, Taiyuan, Nanjing, Shanghai and other places. It has set up more than 800 sales outlets in more than ten cities, including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Zhongshan, Xiamen, Dalian, Yantai, Qingdao, Zhuhai and so on. Its products have entered many international large-scale chain supermarkets. In terms of international market, the company has delivered goods to Russia on November 2, 1999, and had trade with EU for three times. The trade relationship between the company and Japan Youzhou Co., Ltd. has maintained a healthy development trend. In order to develop the Japanese market as soon as possible, Yamamoto, President of Youzhou Co., Ltd., has successively invested more than 40 million yen in the Japanese market, which has been widely publicized in Japan's health magazine and achieved good results. The company has established a complete talent introduction mechanism, which has laid a good foundation for the long-term development of the enterprise. The company has established long-term customers in Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore. The Ministry of culture and culture of Japan has just approved that jujube Saint products can enter the catering field of Japanese primary and secondary school students. A huge sales network has been basically formed in China. Shanxi Tianyuan Jujube Industry Co., Ltd. is a leading enterprise in the deep processing of red jujube in Shanxi Province. The series of jujube products have gradually become the first brand of jujube products in China. Date: Jujube Date: red dates are selected as the date of jujube date. (notes: modern medicine theory, dried jujube has a nutritional health product, such as increasing serum protein, albumin, spleen and stomach, Qi, fluid, nourishing, detoxifying, protecting liver, increasing muscle strength and harmonizing Qi and blood. Tianyuantan jujube not only keeps the color, fragrance and shape of the original red jujube, but also has much higher nutritional value than the common red jujube due to its fine material selection. Tianyuan jujube Saint: the nutritious food is made of high-quality natural and pollution-free Lvliang red jujube, Lycium barbarum, Poria cocos, glucose and green orange peel after de nucleation, with scientific formula and modern bioengineering technology. It has a sweet taste and can nourish, nourish and prolong life, harmonize spleen and stomach, enhance metabolism and improve human immunity. Tianyuan jujube Saint retains the original red jujube color, fragrance and human immune regulatory substances, such as adenosine cyclophosphate, polysaccharides and vasoactive substances to the greatest extent.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/8a498478e.html


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民生证券:三重因素叠加 造船大周期正处于景气前期






华泰证券:从美国13F报告视角出发 看海外资管机构对中资股的季度调仓





