FamousGrouse威雀品牌怎么样 申请店铺

18世纪末,Matthew Gloag家族于苏格兰皮尔斯(Perth)创立了一家独树一帜的烈酒制造厂,其中具有代表性的就是口感异常顺滑的“威雀苏格兰威士忌”。
当Gloag威士忌日渐流行,深受欢迎后,起名称也正式演变为“THE FAMOUS GROUSE SCOTCH WHISKY”。现今苏格兰仍然非常流行狩猎威雀,其盛况正如同威雀苏格兰威士忌。
目前威雀苏格兰威士忌是属于苏格兰地区负盛名的HIGHLAND DISTILLERS CO,LTD集团旗下产品之一,目前该集团在中国大陆销售的产品多为:
威雀苏格兰威士忌(The Famous Grouse Scotch Whisky)
金雀苏格兰威士忌(The Famous Grouse Gold Reserve 12yr Scotch Whisky)
天威苏格兰威士忌(The Famous Grouse Prestige Deluxe Scotch Whisky)
在1999年,Highland Distillers,Remy Cointreau及Jim beam世界三大酒类集团于3月30日宣布将成立一经销联盟合资公司。
根据1998年International Drinks Bulletin调查统计,威雀苏格兰威士忌本年度之销售成长超过10%,拥有超过20% 市场占有率;占13%的市场占有率。
The famous spirit brand, famousgrouse, was founded in 1800 in Scotland. Under the British edinton group, it is famous for its smooth taste. At the end of the 18th century, the Matthew gloag family founded a unique spirit factory in Perth, Scotland. Among them, the "Scotch Whiskey" with abnormal smooth taste is the representative Avoid. Whenever the British royal family goes to Scotland to hunt the grouse, they must take the gloag whiskey as a cold proof and successful hunting celebration. By the third generation of the gloag family (about the end of the 19th century), the family leaders decided to use "grouse" as their whisky brand. When glag whisky became more and more popular, its name officially evolved into "the group group whisky". Nowadays, it is still very popular to hunt sparrows in Scotland, which is just like whiskey. At present, whiskey is one of the products of highlanddistillersco, Ltd group, which is famous in Scotland. At present, most of the products sold by the group in mainland China are: the famousegrousescotchwhisky, the famousegrousegoldreserve12yrscotchwhisky and the famousegrousepress Igedeluxescotchwhisky) in 1999, three major liquor groups in the world, highland distillers, Remy Cointreau and Jim Beam, announced on March 30 that they would establish a joint venture of distribution alliance. According to the 1998 International drinksbulletin survey, the sales growth of whiskey in this year is more than 10%, with more than 20% market share and 13% market share.
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