复华文旅FH品牌怎么样 申请店铺

复华文旅FH是哪个国家的品牌?「复华文旅FH」是 北京复华旅游文化发展有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于北京市,由创始人杨 *在2013年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

复华文旅,定位为“创新的文旅产业投资运营商”,是复华集团旗下专注于综合性文旅投资、产业开发、内容创新和整体运营管理于一体的创新型现代企业。 依托复华集团的雄厚实力,复华文旅自诞生伊始,即以“只为创新生活”为品牌理念,秉承“产业驱动,全球视野”的发展战略,围绕“健康、快乐、财富”三大核心,将“智慧与创新”凝聚为企业发展核心驱动引擎,不断积极探索文旅产业发展走向,将文旅投资、产业开发、内容创新和整体运营作为发展重心,积极构建“文化创意产业、文化旅游产业、健康养生产业、海外金融地产“四大核心板块。



复华文旅凭借前瞻眼光整合全球优质资源,目前已在墨尔本、黄金海岸、塞浦路斯、纽约等国际城市开展海外项目投资,稳健拓展全球文旅业务,不断创新投资模式,携手合作伙伴,逐渐形成布局全球的 “文旅产业生态链”。


Fuhua Culture & Tourism Co., Ltd., positioned as "innovative culture & tourism industry investment operator", is an innovative modern enterprise under Fuhua group focusing on Comprehensive Culture & tourism investment, industrial development, content innovation and overall operation management. Relying on the strong strength of Fuhua group, since its birth, Fuhua culture and tourism has been adhering to the development strategy of "industry driven, global vision", focusing on the three cores of "health, happiness and wealth", integrating "wisdom and innovation" into the core driving engine of enterprise development, actively exploring the development trend of culture and tourism industry, and investing in culture and tourism , industrial development, content innovation and overall operation as the development focus, and actively build the four core plates of "cultural and creative industry, cultural tourism industry, health care industry and overseas financial real estate". With the first-class development qualification in China, Fu Hua culture & Tourism focuses on the transformation, upgrading and sustainable development of Chinese cities, and actively explores the innovative combination of "industry + finance". Through the dual drive of "theme real estate + new finance", with capital as the link and industrial innovation as the driving force, we will continue to strengthen our own brand operation ability and management ability, and create a new investment and operation mode of cultural tourism industry that integrates "real estate + business + culture + Tourism + Finance + experience + entertainment + Internet". With global wisdom and international vision, through capital operation and brand management capabilities, Fu Hua cultural tourism keeps innovating its products. At present, it has distributed multiple cities and first-line tourism destinations in China through Fu Hua future world, Fu Hua holiday world, Fu Hua international holiday health resort and other Fu Hua product lines. While actively exploring the development trend of the culture and tourism industry, it also gives new experience to the Chinese culture and tourism industry. With a forward-looking view to integrate global high-quality resources, fhct has now launched overseas project investment in Melbourne, gold coast, Cyprus, New York and other international cities, steadily expanded its global cultural tourism business, continuously innovated its investment model, and worked with partners to gradually form a global "cultural tourism industry ecological chain". Fu Hua cultural tourism has a deep insight into the needs of human development, with the project as the carrier and the content as the core, focusing on the comprehensive upgrading of urban development, industrial upgrading, consumption experience, leisure and vacation, and ecological health preservation. We have built an architectural design institute with core competitiveness, with more than 100 professional designers in planning, architecture, structure, equipment, interior and so on. We have constantly tried innovation and breakthrough, established a standardized, scientific and systematic quality management system, integrated entertainment, leisure, tourism, vacation and other functions, and realized the transformation and upgrading of the city in the future.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/aa23f4fea.html 联系电话:010-59262288


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