安记OnKee品牌怎么样 申请店铺





不断从世界各地搜罗优质海味干货,为顾客提供「阔与深」的选择。记所提供的货品品种及类型繁多,单单是鲍鱼已有达150多个选择,有来自日本、澳洲、南非、中东等地,更有不同制法的鲍鱼,如干鲍、即食鲍鱼、急冻鲍鱼、刺身鲍鱼等,是颇多鲍鱼选择的海味店,更是一站式的海味天堂。其中皇牌鲍鱼产品 – 即食盒装及罐装鲍鱼更是全港销量较高。

根据 AC Nielsen 2014年9月至2015年8月全港连锁超市及便利店罐头海鲜和盒装鲍鱼(鲍鱼类)零售调查报告。作为较早一家推出海味礼篮的先驱,精心挑选各款名贵的产品,配以新颖时尚的包装,设计出多款高品味又多元化的礼物篮组合,包括嫁喜礼篮、坐月补身礼篮及精选海味礼篮,让送礼变得更大方得体以尽显心意。


Since the early 1970s, Anji has become a well-known brand in Hong Kong. Apart from the continuous efforts of Mr. Pan xiongan, the founder, and Mr. Pan Quanhui, the second generation of helmsman, as well as the active expansion of innovative and diversified businesses, it also relies on the support, trust, encouragement and love of customers for many years, which makes Anji famous. Even though the times are changing, what remains unchanged is that Anji has always adhered to its business purpose and commitment, and has high requirements for product quality, product variety and service quality, hoping to bring perfect experience to every customer. Every year, a special person will be sent to visit suppliers around the country to understand their business model and production process, so as to ensure the supply stability and product quality. The products on sale are carefully selected and regularly tested for quality to ensure compliance with hygiene standards, Hong Kong Food Ordinance and food labeling requirements. We are constantly searching for high-quality dried seafood from all over the world to provide customers with a wide and deep choice. There are many kinds and types of abalone. There are more than 150 choices of abalone. There are abalone from Japan, Australia, South Africa, the Middle East and other places. There are also abalone made in different ways, such as dried abalone, instant abalone, frozen abalone, sashimi abalone and so on. It is not only a seafood shop for many abalone choices, but also a one-stop seafood paradise. Among them, abalone products, instant boxed and canned abalone, have a higher sales volume in Hong Kong. According to ACNielsen's survey report on the retail sales of canned seafood and boxed Abalone (abalone) in supermarkets and convenience stores in Hong Kong from September 2014 to August 2015. As an early pioneer of launching seafood gift baskets, we have carefully selected various valuable products, matched with novel and fashionable packaging, and designed a number of high-quality and diversified gift baskets, including wedding gift baskets, sitting on the moon to mend the body gift baskets and selected seafood gift baskets, so as to make gift giving more appropriate and show our heart. All employees are required to receive a series of training, including seafood knowledge, hospitality, etc., in order to provide guests with at home service. Special delivery and gift delivery service for seafood, self-designed special vehicle to deliver goods on time, convenient for customers to easily shop and send gifts. Special customer service line and on-line customer service inquiry shall be set up, and special personnel shall reply and solve customer problems quickly. Anji kitchen series is specially assigned to prepare rich seafood dishes for customers in advance, which is convenient for customers to take the banquet dishes home and share with their families at festivals and special festivals.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/b33f82515.html


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印尼禁售iPhone 16,称苹果未履行投资承诺

10月28日消息,印尼政府日前宣布禁止在该国销售iPhone 16,称苹果公司未履行在印尼国内的投资承诺。印尼工业部早些时候表示,苹果承诺向印尼基础设施和本地采购投资1.7万亿印尼盾(约合1.09亿美元),但实际兑现金额仅为1.48万亿印尼盾。(界面)




