GEOX健乐士品牌怎么样 申请店铺

意大利GEOX(中文商标:健乐士)于1994年由MARIO MORETTI POLEGATO先生创办,并发明“呼吸鞋”,GEOX一词取自希腊文“GEO”,意即脚下的大地;以未知数“X”作为技术的象征,寓意新技术、新理念的组合。
Italian well-known leisure shoes brand, with its "respira" (breathing) international patent technology, sells well all over the world. Italy's larger leisure shoes production and retailer, GEOX (Chinese Trademark: jianleshi), was founded by Mr. mariomettipolegato in 1994, and invented "breathing shoes". The word "GEOX" comes from the Greek "geo", which means the land under your feet; with the unknown "X" As a symbol of technology, it implies the combination of new technology and new ideas. GEOX company also relies on its "respira" (breathing) international patent technology, which makes GEOX rapidly grow into an Italian casual shoes brand, selling well in 55 countries and regions around the world. GEOX - breathing shoes, through its new technology innovation of "breathability, perspiration, cold resistance and water resistance", solves the problems of water-proof and water-proof rubber and plastic soles and leather soles. Wearing GEOX shoes can make your feet "breathe" and keep dry, so that you can no longer have the "suffocating" feeling of wet feet like being wrapped in plastic bags, no longer have the unpleasant smell, so as to avoid foot odor and other related problems. With an annual growth rate of more than 50%, GEOX's revenue reached 1.5 billion euros in 2001, and its shoe production exceeded 3.7 million pairs. The remarkable achievements of GEOX are due to the continuous attention to products and styles, the research and application of shoe related technologies, the development of Italian local market and the continuous breakthrough of export market. GEOX shoes and clothing are sold all over the world, with a huge international marketing network and exclusive stores of GEOX brand all over the world.