哥伦比亚大学品牌怎么样 申请店铺

哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University in the City of New York),简称为哥大(Columbia)。哥伦比亚大学是一所位于美国纽约曼哈顿的私立研究型大学,于1754年根据英国国王乔治二世颁布的《国王宪章》而成立,名为国王学院,1896年正式更名为哥伦比亚大学(1784-1896为哥伦比亚学院)并迁到目前所在的晨边高地(Morningside Heights)校园,属于常春藤盟校,是美国大学协会创始成员。
哥大是美国历史悠久的五所大学之一,截止2017年共有96位诺贝尔奖得主在哥大学习或工作过。哥大校园里还走出5位美国开国元勋,奥巴马、罗斯福等四位美国总统,和34位各国元首、首脑,10位美国法院大法官。哥伦比亚大学拥有法学院、商学院、医学院、新闻学院等,其新闻学院颁发的普利策奖(Pulitzer Prize)是美国新闻界的至高荣誉。1767 年哥伦比亚大学授予了医学博士学位。哥伦比亚大学是美国重要的研究机构之一,是北美实现原子核裂变-曼哈顿计划的诞生地。
The Pulitzer Prize awarded by the school of journalism is the highest honor of Columbia University in the city of New York, which is called Columbia for short. Columbia University is a private research university in Manhattan, New York, United States. It was founded in 1754 according to the king's charter issued by King George II of England. It was officially renamed as Columbia University (1784-1896) in 1896 and moved to the current campus of Morningside Heights. It belongs to the Ivy League. It is Founding member of the association of American universities. Costa Rica is one of the five universities with a long history in the United States. As of 2017, 96 Nobel Prize winners have studied or worked in Costa Rica. There are also five founding fathers of the United States, four presidents including Obama and Roosevelt, 34 heads of state and 10 justices of the United States Court. Columbia University has law school, business school, medical school, School of journalism, etc. the Pulitzer Prize awarded by its school of journalism is the highest honor of the American press. In 1767, Columbia University awarded a doctor's degree in medicine. Columbia University is one of the important research institutions in the United States, and the birthplace of the nuclear fission Manhattan program in North America.