Honeywell霍尼韦尔品牌怎么样 申请店铺




霍尼韦尔在中国霍尼韦尔在华的历史可以追溯到1935年。当时,霍尼韦尔在上海开设了第一个经销机构。1972年美国总统尼克松访华时,应中国政府之邀从十大领域推荐精英企业来华推动两国双向交流,并促进中国的现代化建设。其中炼油石化领域唯一被选中推荐给中国政府的美国环球油品公司,正是霍尼韦尔旗下的子公司。80年代的改革开放成为了霍尼韦尔融入中国经济发展的又一个新起点,作为首批在北京设立代表处的跨国企业,霍尼韦尔在彼时开始了一系列的高品质投资。目前,霍尼韦尔四大业务集团均已落户中国,旗下所辖的所有业务部门的亚太总部也都已迁至中国, 并在中国的20多个城市设有多家分公司和合资企业。目前,霍尼韦尔在中国的投资总额超10亿美金,员工人数超过12,000名。

霍尼韦尔持续发展的动力源自同步实现了两个似乎无法兼顾的目标–生产效率和增长。 我们的全球流程 – 或方法– 是霍尼韦尔核心的内部业务流程,也是我们不断提高效率和服务质量的驱动力。霍尼韦尔方法使我们能够以更快的速度和更低的成本为客户提供世界级的产品和服务。










Honeywell offers professional industry solutions to customers around the world, covering aviation and automotive products and services, building, residential and industrial control technologies, and specialty materials. From airplanes, cars, homes, buildings, manufacturing plants, supply chains to workers, our technology is dedicated to the interconnection of everything, creating a smarter, safer and more sustainable world. Honeywell in China the history of Honeywell in China can be traced back to 1935. At that time, Honeywell opened its first Distribution Agency in Shanghai. When President Nixon visited China in 1972, at the invitation of the Chinese government, he recommended elite enterprises from ten fields to China to promote two-way exchanges between the two countries and promote China's modernization. Among them, the only U.S. global oil company selected for recommendation to the Chinese government in the field of refining and petrochemical is Honeywell's subsidiary. Reform and opening up in the 1980s has become another new starting point for Honeywell to integrate into China's economic development. As one of the first multinational enterprises to set up a representative office in Beijing, Honeywell began a series of high-quality investments at that time. At present, the four major business groups of Honeywell have settled in China, and the Asia Pacific headquarters of all business departments under its jurisdiction have also moved to China, with more than 20 cities in China with multiple branches and joint ventures. At present, Honeywell's total investment in China is more than US $1 billion, with more than 12000 employees. Honeywell's continuous development is driven by the simultaneous realization of two seemingly impossible goals: production efficiency and growth. Our global process – or approach – is Honeywell's core internal business process and a driving force for our continued improvement in efficiency and quality of service. Honeywell approach enables us to provide customers with world-class products and services at a faster speed and lower cost. The business unit, aerospace group, has all kinds of products and services of Honeywell Aerospace Group on almost all commercial, defense and space shuttles in the world. Honeywell's turbochargers are also used by almost all car and truck manufacturers around the world. Aerospace Group's business units research and develop innovative solutions, as well as aircraft engines, cockpit and cabin electronic equipment, air wireless network connection, logistics and other technologies and products, in order to reduce fuel consumption of cars and aircraft, improve flight punctuality rate, and improve flight and runway safety. In China, Honeywell's aviation business is composed of four leading joint ventures and one wholly-owned enterprise. It provides auxiliary power unit, aviation spare parts, avionics products, wheel and brake products and other maintenance services for China's domestic and international aviation market, and produces engine and environmental control system related components. The group's Honeywell transportation system turbochargers are used by car and truck manufacturers in China and around the world. The products, software and technology of Honeywell smart building and home furnishing group have been used in more than 150 million homes and 10 million buildings around the world to help families realize interconnection, control the comfort, safety and energy use of residential buildings, and ensure the safety, energy conservation, sustainability and high productivity of facilities for owners and users of commercial buildings. The group also has advanced measurement hardware and software solutions to help power, gas and water suppliers provide more efficient services to consumers and communities. In China, the group has launched a series of innovative smart home products around water treatment and air purification to meet the growing personal health needs of Chinese consumers and bring safer, comfortable and healthy experiences. Safety and productivity solutions group Honeywell safety and productivity solutions group provides mobile industrial computers, voice software and workflow, barcode scanners, printing solutions, gas detection technology and personal protective equipment for more than 500 million operators around the world to help improve the safety of operations and accident response capabilities, optimize work processes and improve enterprise performance. In China, a series of innovative technologies and Internet solutions are widely used in industry, energy, construction, transportation, medical treatment, retail and other fields to help operators improve energy efficiency, safety and productivity, while reducing resource consumption and environmental pollution. Characteristic materials and Technology Group Honeywell characteristic materials and technology group is the world's leading supplier of characteristic materials, process technology and automation solutions. The group's specialty materials business specializes in a wide range of high-performance products. In China, its main products include environmental friendly refrigerants for air conditioning and refrigeration, energy-saving and heat insulation foaming agents, special films for food and drug packaging, multi-purpose advanced fibers, solvents and inorganic substances for analysis and chemical laboratory research, and electronic materials for semiconductor and display industries Materials and research chemicals. Honeywell UOP of the group provides oil refining, petrochemical, gas processing technology and software services, which is the cornerstone of the global oil and gas industry. The group also includes Honeywell process control, an industry leader in providing software based automation control systems, instrumentation and related services.

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10月26日,职业社交网站LinkedIn显示,特斯拉Megapack高级总监迈克尔·斯奈德(Michael Snyder)已获晋升为能源与充电副总裁。斯奈德于2014年6月加入特斯拉,于2022年8月担任Megapack高级主管,领导公司的Megapack项目。(界面)



36氪获悉,10月26日,CINNO Research最新报告指出,随着苹果iPhone16系列等高端旗舰机型的发布,第三季度OLED面板的整体需求持续回升。根据CINNO Research统计数据显示,2024年第三季度全球AMOLED智能手机面板出货量约2.2亿片,同比增长25.3%,环比增长0.9%,同比、环比双增长。从柔性面板出货来看,2024年第三季度全球AMOLED智能手机面板中柔性AMOLED智能手机面板占比76.4%,同比下滑2.3个百分点,环比上升4.2个百分点。










