加州理工学院品牌怎么样 申请店铺



加州理工学院(California Institute of Technology, 缩写为Caltech)是美国的一所久负盛名的大学,位于加利福尼亚州的帕萨蒂纳(Pasadena),创建于1891年。这所学校规模不算大,只有1000余名研究生和900余名本科生,然而在《泰晤士报高等教育》2010年世界大学中位列全球前列。



学校有六大学系: 生物学、化学及化学工程系、工程与应用科学、地质学及行星学、人类学和社会科学、物理数学和天文学。加州理工研究生课程门门都出类拔萃,2010年U.S. News美国大学研究生院中,加州理工学院的物理专业、化学第、航空航天第、地球科学第、生物学第、电子工程第、数学第、计算机科学、经济学均具全美前列。

加州理工科研设施专业,有布斯计算中心、Hale天文台、地震实验室、Kerckhoff海洋验室、Big Bear太阳系观测站、Palomar天文台、Owens峡谷射电天文台、NASA的喷气推进实验室(JPL)、环境质量实验室、新成立的位于夏威夷的亚毫米观测站、斯坦福线性加速器具中心等。特别值得一提的是喷气推进实验室(JPL),在这里科学家们成功实验设计了人类较早的现代火箭,设计组装了美国阿波罗登月计划的太空飞船。半个世纪来JPL参与设计和发射许多有重大意义的太空飞船,比如探索者计划,水手计划,伽利略计划,火星全球探测者,卡西尼惠更斯卫星,斯皮策深空望远镜。


科学是加州理工学院的主题,许多物理学家、化学家都在加州理工学院做出震动科学界的发现。爱因斯坦是在这儿放弃了他的“宇宙不变论”而认可了“宇宙扩展论”;物理学家卡尔·安德逊在这里发现了正电子;物理学家戴尔布拉克在这里对病毒的遗传结构和复制机理做出了重大发现,导致了分子遗传学的诞生; 物理学家盖尔曼在这里提出夸克理论;地质化学家派特森在这里推算出现代科学界公认的地球年龄一46亿年。也是在这里,性格外向、诙谐幽默的诺贝尔物理奖得主理查德·费曼几十年如一日地授课,成为学生们崇拜的教授之一。现在,这里还有诺贝尔化学奖获得者鲁道夫·马尔克斯(Rudolph Marcus),诺贝尔物理奖获得者莫利·吉尔曼(Murry Gellmann),诺贝尔生物奖的艾德·路易斯(Ed Lewis)等等。前前后后,加州理工学院共出了三十二名诺贝尔奖获得者,它的学生们的确有权利骄傲。

Started in 1891, Caltech is a well-known university in the United States, located in Pasadena, California, founded in 1891, which is dedicated to cultivating creative scientists and engineers for education / government and industrial development. The university is not large, with more than 1000 graduate students and 900 undergraduate students. However, it ranks among the world's top universities in the times higher education in 2010. Caltech is a polytechnic institution. Caltech has only 50.18 hectares of land and only cultivated more than 22000 students, but 31 people have won 32 Nobel prizes. California Institute of technology has a group of scientists. In 2008, discovery Magazine selected 20 smart scientists under 40 years old in the United States. They are regarded as talents in their own research fields and have made great achievements. Among these 20 talented scientists, the professors of California Institute of technology occupy 4 seats. The university has six departments: biology, chemistry and chemical engineering, engineering and applied science, geology and Planetary Science, anthropology and social science, physical mathematics and astronomy. In 2010, in the Graduate School of U.S.News, the physics, chemistry, aerospace, geoscience, biology, electronic engineering, mathematics, computer science and economics of Caltech are among the top in the United States. California Science and technology research facilities, including booth computing center, hale Observatory, earthquake laboratory, Kerckhoff ocean laboratory, bigbear solar system Observatory, Palomar Observatory, Owens Canyon Radio Observatory, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), environmental quality laboratory, the newly established submillimeter Observatory in Hawaii, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, etc. In particular, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), where scientists have successfully designed the early modern rocket of mankind, and designed and assembled the spacecraft of the Apollo moon landing program of the United States. Over the past half century, JPL has been involved in the design and launch of many significant spacecraft, such as explorer program, sailor program, Galileo program, Mars Global explorer, Cassini Huygens satellite and Spitzer deep space telescope. Physicists Einstein, Feynman, Milligan and Gelman, astronomer Halley, originator of genetics Morgan and rocket expert von Carmen have all taught here. In addition to many Nobel Prize winners, alumni graduated from Caltech include Gordon Moore, founder of Intel Corporation, Harrison Schmidt, Chinese missile expert Qian Xuesen, father of Chinese mechanics Qian Weichang, etc. Science is the subject of Caltech. Many physicists and chemists have made discoveries in the field of vibration science at Caltech. It is here that Einstein gave up his "universe invariance theory" and approved the "universe expansion theory"; physicist Carl Anderson found positron here; physicist Dale Blake made great discoveries on the genetic structure and replication mechanism of virus, which led to the birth of molecular genetics; physicist Gaiman proposed quark theory here; geology Here, chemist Paterson calculates the age of the earth recognized by modern science as 14.6 billion years. Here, Richard Feynman, an outgoing and humorous Nobel Prize winner in physics, has been teaching every day for decades, becoming one of the professors adored by students. Now, there's Rudolph Marcus, the Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, Murry gellmann, ed Lewis, the Nobel Prize winner in biology, and so on. Before and after, Caltech has 32 Nobel laureates, and its students really have the right to be proud.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/d7cc21ca9.html


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10月26日,职业社交网站LinkedIn显示,特斯拉Megapack高级总监迈克尔·斯奈德(Michael Snyder)已获晋升为能源与充电副总裁。斯奈德于2014年6月加入特斯拉,于2022年8月担任Megapack高级主管,领导公司的Megapack项目。(界面)



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