Rompn’Roll悦宝园品牌怎么样 申请店铺

1965年,当美国还不存在任何为三岁以下孩子开发的课程时,哈佛大学启动了全球大规模的早期教育研究项目(Harvard Preschool Project)。1976年Romp n’ Roll(悦宝园)课程顾问Michael K.Meyerhoff博士作为这个项目的主要成员,对数千个家庭进行了长达十多年的跟踪调查和深入研究,了解家庭早期教育方式对孩子智力、社交、语言等能力的影响,该研究成果成为了全球早期教育研究的奠基石。1978年,Meyerhoff博士及其研究团队在马萨诸塞州牛顿市 ( Newton,Massachusetts ) 建立了独立非盈利的组织—家长教育中心(Center for Parent Education),指导父母如何对孩子进行早期教育,影响力遍及整个美国和加拿大,数十万家庭为此受益。
1981年,Meyerhoff博士及其团队又与美国密苏里州教育部(Missouri State Education Department)合作,推广“父母即老师”项目(New Parents as Teacher Program),指导家长成为孩子的启蒙老师。该项目在建立4个示范校区的基础上,进而在全州进行推广,之后美国其他各州也竞相采用。
经过三十多年的潜心研究,Meyerhoff博士的团队取得了丰硕的研究成果并研发出一套科学完整且符合孩子天性的早教课程体系,以及科学的辅助教学设备,帮助孩子强健体魄、培养良好的社交能力与学习能力、树立自尊心和自信心。这套课程体系经过美国多个州的公立教育机构实践检验,取得了令人瞩目的成效,帮助无数普通家庭的孩子获得更好的成长。Romp n’ Roll的课程体系基本形成。
2004年,秉承着为孩子们创造一个适合他们发展的地方,有安全的设备,有充满激情的老师,有舒适卫生的环境,有人性化的服务,更重要的是有一套能在运动、音乐和艺术方面开发宝宝潜能的完善课程的信念,悦宝园Romp n Roll ®的全美第一家早教中心在弗吉尼亚州里士满成立,将哈佛早教名人Meyerhoff博士与团队经过三十多年潜心研究的早教课程体系正式带给更多的美国家庭。在短短的3年里,Romp n Roll 分中心遍布美国各州,成为非常具有活力和发展潜力的早教品牌。Romp n Roll ® 的英文含义就是通过丰富多彩的课程和教学环境多层次开发宝宝的潜能。
2009年,Romp n Roll ®来到了中国,命名为悦宝园®。美式开放的教育风格,全球同步更新的美式创新课程,每周丰富多彩的课程主题,还有以顽皮可爱的小狗Rompy(中文名:皮皮®)陪伴为特色的授课方式带给孩子爱与归属的体验,使得悦宝园早教广受幼儿家长好评,并在很短的时间内在中国早期教育领域迅速赢得极高的声誉。
今天的悦宝园®在中国已经有近400家专业的早教中心,拥有超过1000位指导师组成的训练有素的教师团队以及众多获奖的课程。超过百万家庭共同见证了孩子的成长。悦宝园海外引进和自主研发结合的科学早教体系集合了悦宝灵动、悦宝创意、悦宝韵律、悦宝英语四大系列课程,综合开发0-8岁宝宝七大潜能。 悦宝园专注于让家长和孩子们每次上课都能充分享受其中的快乐,同时从适龄性极强的课程中增强肌肉力量、锻炼全身平衡、发挥语言能力、培养音乐潜能、激发艺术创造力、推动全脑协调、提高敏捷度和社交能力。
In 1965, when there was no curriculum for children under the age of three in the United States, Harvard University launched a large-scale global early education research project. In 1976, Dr. Michael K. Meyerhoff, course consultant of rompn'roll (yuebaoyuan), as the main member of this project, conducted a more than ten-year follow-up survey and in-depth research on thousands of families to understand the impact of early family education on children's intelligence, social, language and other abilities. The research results have become the cornerstone of global early education research. In 1978, Dr. Meyerhoff and his research team established an independent non-profit organization, the center for parent education, in Newton, Massachusetts, to guide parents how to carry out early education for their children, with influence throughout the United States and Canada, benefiting hundreds of thousands of families. In 1981, Dr. Meyerhoff and his team cooperated with the Missouri State Education Department to promote the "new parents as teachers program" and guide parents to become their children's Enlightenment teachers. Based on the establishment of four demonstration campuses, the project was promoted throughout the state, and then adopted by other states in the United States. After more than 30 years of dedicated research, Dr. Meyerhoff's team has achieved fruitful research results and developed a set of scientific and complete early education curriculum system that is in line with the nature of children, as well as scientific auxiliary teaching equipment, to help children strengthen their physique, develop good social and learning abilities, and establish self-esteem and self-confidence. This curriculum system has been tested by public education institutions in many states of the United States, and has achieved remarkable results, helping children of countless ordinary families to grow better. Rompn'roll's curriculum system is basically formed. In 2004, with the belief of creating a place suitable for children's development, with safe equipment, passionate teachers, comfortable and hygienic environment, humanized service, and more importantly, a set of perfect courses that can develop the potential of baby in sports, music and art, rompnroll, the first early education center in Virginia With the establishment of Shimon, the early education curriculum system, which has been studied by Dr. Meyerhoff and his team for more than 30 years, is officially brought to more American families. In just three years, rompnroll sub center has spread all over the states of the United States, becoming a very dynamic and potential early education brand. The English meaning of rompnroll ® is to develop the baby's potential through a variety of courses and teaching environment. In 2009, rompnroll came to China and was named yuebaoyuan. American open education style, global synchronous update of American innovative courses, weekly rich and colorful curriculum themes, as well as the teaching method featured by naughty and lovely dog Rompy (Chinese Name: Pipi?) accompany bring children the experience of love and belonging, which makes Yuebao kindergarten early childhood education widely praised by children 's parents, and quickly win extremely fast in the field of early childhood education in China in a very short period of time High reputation. Today's yuebaoyuan ® has nearly 400 professional early childhood education centers in China, with a well-trained team of more than 1000 instructors and many award-winning courses. More than a million families have witnessed their children's growth. Yuebao park's scientific early education system, which combines overseas introduction and independent research and development, integrates four series of courses, namely Yuebao smart, Yuebao creative, Yuebao rhythm and Yuebao English, and comprehensively develops seven potentials of 0-8-year-old babies. Yuebaoyuan focuses on making parents and children fully enjoy the happiness in every class, and at the same time, it enhances muscle strength, exercises overall balance, plays language ability, cultivates music potential, stimulates artistic creativity, promotes whole brain coordination, improves agility and social ability from the age-appropriate courses.
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