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巴马景泉天然弱碱矿泉水PH值在7.2 到8.5之间,属弱碱性原生态小分子团水,能够渗透到人体细胞离子通道中,进入细胞核和DNA,活化细胞组织,激发生命的活力。 使人健康长寿。
巴马景泉天然矿泉水 除了富含人体所需 偏硅酸 外,还富含硒、 锶、钙、镁、锌等10多种对人体有益的微量元素 ,有助人体传输氧气,调节新陈代谢,排除体内酸性物质,使 身体形成弱碱性体质,提高人体免疫力,消除疾病,使人健康长寿。
长寿,是人类的千年追求,万年梦想。巴马景泉把实现人类对长寿的追求和梦想作为目标 , 投入巨资 引进了全球最先进的全自动、智能化、无菌灌装生产线,并采用国际先进的生产技术和饮用水标准生产。
巴马景泉天然弱碱性矿泉水 颠覆了传统饮用水生产方式, 把厂址设在 自涌泉水源地山脚下。泉水直接从泉眼中潺潺流入不锈钢管道,进入全自动、无菌灌装车间、10分钟内完成了从泉眼到灌装的全过程。 灌装的每一瓶巴马景泉天然矿泉水清澈透明、口感清纯。 这就是大自然赋予巴马的长寿密码:天然弱碱性泉水。
Bamajing spring is the source of natural mineral water. Bama Changshou mountain springs from the ancient granite crevices. Under the long-term comprehensive effect of geomagnetism, minerals and trace elements are dissolved, rising to the hillside and trickling out from the beautiful spring. It has formed a natural weak alkaline spring of bamajing spring, which is guarded by local people for generations, crystal clear and soft in taste. The pH value of the natural weak alkaline mineral water of bamajingquan is between 7.2 and 8.5, belonging to the weak alkaline Protoecological small molecule group water, which can penetrate into the ion channels of human cells, enter into the nucleus and DNA, activate cell tissues, and stimulate the vitality of life. Make people healthy and long-lived. In addition to the metasilicic acid needed by human body, bamajingquan natural mineral water is also rich in 10 kinds of microelements, such as selenium, strontium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, which are beneficial to human body. It is helpful for human body to transmit oxygen, regulate metabolism, eliminate acid substances in body, form weak alkaline constitution, improve human immunity, eliminate diseases, and make people healthy and long-lived. Longevity is human's Millennium pursuit and dream. Bamajingquan takes the realization of human's pursuit and dream of long life as its goal. It has invested heavily in introducing the world's most advanced full-automatic, intelligent and sterile filling production line, and adopts the international advanced production technology and drinking water standard production. The natural weak alkaline mineral water of bamajing spring has subverted the traditional production mode of drinking water, and the plant site is located at the foot of ziyongquan water source. The spring water flows directly into the stainless steel pipe from the spring hole and enters the fully automatic and sterile filling workshop. The whole process from the spring hole to the filling is completed within 10 minutes. Each bottle of natural mineral water is clear and transparent, with a pure taste. This is the longevity code that nature gives Bama: natural weak alkaline spring water. Bama Jingquan is the water that the common people can afford. Bama Jingquan is beside you, helping you live a long and healthy life.