皇家保罗品牌怎么样 申请店铺


马球每年都在温莎城堡举办这项运动赛事,同时推动马球运动的发展做了不可忽略的贡献。这种要求人、马、杆三者合一,技巧至上的运动,近代更吸引了富豪权贵加入它的行列。公元1876年一位美国的出版商、热爱冒险的JAMES GORDON BENNETT(后人称为美国马球之父)深受马球的吸引并引进美国,使马球运动成为当时全美风行的运动之一。因为它不但具备了骑马与高尔夫的自然、运动与舒展,同时还有更多的趣味与充满激情挑战,并且还需要专注的应变能力,是一项激情的绅士运动。它是财富、勇气、智慧的结合,马球比赛的间隙,所有的观众都会不约而同地走到比赛草地上面,是为了将比赛时候被赛马的奔驰和急停而掀起的草皮踏平——这项传统被称为“踩草皮”。因此形成了独特的一项优雅的休闲和社交活动。优雅着装的男士和女士们配合赛事气氛。而且马球运动不是枯燥的,与队友配合、与自己的马配合,要绅士般平和地接受比赛胜利与失败。

虽然马球可能是少数人能玩的运动,但马球的运动精神却可以供人们无限共享!1981美国皇家保罗国际马球俱乐旗下ROYAL QUEEN’S POLO TEAM “皇家保罗”品牌就是在此背景之下孕育而出,ROYAL QUEEN’S POLO TEAM 品牌产品系列将原有的英国马球文化与时尚的气质糅于壹体,把马球独有的时尚、休闲等元素融入到ROYAL QUEEN’S POLO TEAM品牌服饰之中,以具人性关爱的设计与细腻的工艺,精心打造出每一件诠释当代休闲服饰时尚精品。

设计思路:POLO恤比无领的T恤多一份严谨认真,比衬衫又少一份拘束紧张。POLO恤的样式始终未变,只是变换色彩来适应不同的年代,每一季都会以丰富的色彩来顺应新的流行。这种巧妙地古典品味的优哉悠哉融入现代生活方式的设计哲学,贯穿于皇家·保罗的各类设计之中。ROYAL QUEENS POLO TEAM 品牌的男装,包括套装、恤衫、T恤、裤子、牛仔装、皮茄克,都非常适合有地位、身份的中产阶层的男士穿着。皇家·保罗是有着一股浓浓的美国气息的高品质时装,是一种融合幻想、浪漫、创新和古典的灵感呈现,所有的设计细节构架在一种不被时间淘汰的价值观上。

Polo is held in Windsor Castle every year, and has made great contributions to the development of polo. This movement, which requires the unity of man, horse and pole and the supremacy of skill, has attracted the rich and powerful to join its ranks in modern times. In 1876, an American publisher and adventurous James Gordon Bennett (later known as the father of American Polo) was deeply attracted by polo and introduced into the United States, making Polo one of the most popular sports in the United States at that time. Because it not only has the nature, sports and stretching of horse riding and golf, but also has more fun and passionate challenges, and also needs to focus on the ability to adapt. It is a passionate gentleman sport. It's a combination of wealth, courage and wisdom. In the gap of polo match, all the spectators will walk to the match grass to level the turf raised by the gallop of horse racing and the emergency stop during the match. This tradition is called "stepping on the turf". Therefore, it forms a unique elegant leisure and social activity. Men and women in elegant attire match the atmosphere of the event. Moreover, Polo is not boring. We should cooperate with our teammates and our own horses, and accept the victory and failure of the game as gentlemanly as possible. Although Polo may be a sport that few people can play, the sports spirit of polo can be shared by people infinitely! In 1981, "Royal Paul" brand of Royal Queen 'spoloteam, a subsidiary of Royal Paul International Polo Club, was born under this background. The product series of Royal Queen' spoloteam combines the original British Polo culture and fashionable temperament, and integrates the unique fashion and leisure elements of polo into the Royal Queen 'spoloteam brand clothing, with human care Design and exquisite technology, carefully create every interpretation of contemporary leisure clothing fashion boutique. Design idea: Polo T-shirt is more serious than collarless T-shirt, and less restrictive than shirt. Polo t-shirt style has not changed, just change color to adapt to different times, each season will be rich in color to adapt to the new fashion. This kind of elegant classical taste is integrated into the design philosophy of modern life style and runs through all kinds of designs of Royal Paul. Royalqueenspolotam men's wear, including suits, T-Shirts, T-Shirts, pants, jeans, leather jackets, is very suitable for men of middle class with status and status. Royal Paul is a high-quality fashion with a strong American flavor. It is a combination of fantasy, romance, innovation and classical inspiration. All design details are framed in a kind of value that will not be eliminated by time.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/f46314047.html 联系电话:0571-87853888


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