1842年,Armand CHAPPEE先生在PORT Brillet Sarthe创立了法国厦贝公司,经历了150多年的蓬勃发展,法国厦贝凭借其深厚的技术底蕴及不断探索的进取精神,成为欧洲百年的经典品牌。其核心产品燃气壁挂炉和落地铸铁锅炉,以其精湛的制造工艺,优异的产品性能,一直领跑于欧洲的锅炉行业,为消费者提供全方位的采暖及生活热水解决方案。
在法国,CHAPPEE(厦贝)作为BDR集团旗下的旗舰品牌可谓是无人不知,无人不晓,畅销国内外。厦贝产品系列非常广泛,包括:壁挂炉、落地炉、太阳能产品、空气源热泵、不锈钢散热器等产品,能够为所有广大用户提供最为完备的供暖方案,并获得了 20000多家安装公司的认可。
1999年,有着一百五十多年历史的法国CHAPPEE品牌正式加入英国BAXI集团,2003年,正式更名为法国BAXI股份有限公司(BAXI.S.p.A.),2009年11月英国BAXI集团与荷兰De Dietrich Remeha集团宣布合并,成立BDR THERMEA集团。CHAPPEE品牌自始至终都是集团中的旗舰品牌。
In 1842, Armand chappee founded the French Xiamen Bay Company in portbrinlet sarthe, which has experienced more than 150 years of vigorous development. With its profound technical background and continuous exploration of the enterprising spirit, the French Xiamen Bay has become a classic brand in Europe for a century. Its core products are gas wall mounted furnace and cast iron boiler. With its exquisite manufacturing process and excellent product performance, it has been leading the boiler industry in Europe, providing consumers with a full range of heating and domestic hot water solutions. In France, chappee, as the flagship brand of BDR group, is well known and sold at home and abroad. Xiabei has a wide range of products, including: wall mounted furnace, floor standing furnace, solar energy products, air source heat pump, stainless steel radiator and other products, which can provide the most complete heating scheme for all users, and has been recognized by more than 20000 installation companies. In France, as long as boiler installation is involved, whether wall mounted, floor mounted, standard or efficient, Xiabei must be the first choice of consumers. Chappee's success today largely depends on continuous innovation. It has been committed to the development of heating products with low investment, low energy consumption and high environmental protection: continuous breakthrough of self condensation technology, bioenergy renewable technology, system installation combining the boiler with solar energy equipment and heat pump equipment, providing consumers with multiple options. At the same time, in the field of cast iron boiler, through the continuous development and innovation of engineers, Xiabei cast iron boiler products have a longer service life. In those places where natural gas is insufficient, the new condensing oil fired boiler is a good choice. In 1999, chappee, a French brand with a history of more than 150 years, officially joined Baxi group in the UK. In 2003, it was renamed Baxi. S.p.A. in France. In November 2009, Baxi group in the UK and dedietrich remeha group in the Netherlands announced the merger and established bdrtermea group. Chappee brand has always been the flagship brand of the group.