宝带品牌怎么样 申请店铺

宝带是哪个国家的品牌?「宝带」是 科林环保装备股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于江苏省苏州市,由创始人黎东在1999-04-16期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

科林环保装备股份有限公司创建于1979年,公司于2010年11月9日在深圳证券交易所上市,股票代码 SZ.002499。公司专注于构建集科研、咨询、设计、建造、工程总承包、营运、投融资等为一体的环保业务生态圈。



公司2016年底启动规模光伏电站的投资开发业务,通过EPC、BT和自持三种形式,目前在全国地区累计投资开发光伏电站项目超过310MW,其中自有项目约190 MW,合作开发项目约90 MW,EPC总承包项目约190 MW。在江苏、山东、山西、河北、湖北、河南、西藏等7个省份建有地面电站和分布式电站, 开发的电站已经顺利并网发电。2017年底,公司EPC总承包建设高邮市城南经济新区多能互补集成优化示范工程,将作为实施范例在全国范围内进行示范推广。公司组建了一支专业的项目开发建设团队,具备了每年500MW级清洁能源发电项目的开发和建设能力。




Kelin environmental protection equipment Co., Ltd. was founded in 1979 and listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on November 9, 2010 with the stock code of sz.002499. The company focuses on building an environmental protection business ecosystem integrating scientific research, consulting, design, construction, general contracting, operation, investment and financing. Under the overall strategy of adhering to the "big environmental protection" strategy, Colin's environment protection firmly grasped the opportunity of the country to promote the development of "Internet plus" smart energy, and gradually completed the stripping bag type dust removal business, and realized the strategic transformation towards clean energy and environmental protection industry. At the end of 2016, the new energy business company started the investment and development business of large-scale photovoltaic power plants. Through EPC, BT and self support, it has invested and developed more than 310mW photovoltaic power plant projects in China, including about 190mw of its own projects, about 90mw of cooperative development projects, and about 190mw of EPC projects. In Jiangsu, Shandong, Shanxi, Hebei, Hubei, Henan, Tibet and other seven provinces, surface power stations and distributed power stations have been built, and the developed power stations have been successfully connected to the grid for power generation. At the end of 2017, the company EPC general contracting construction of multi energy complementary integration optimization demonstration project in Chengnan economic new area of Gaoyou city will be used as an implementation example for demonstration and promotion nationwide. The company has set up a professional project development and construction team, with the annual development and construction capacity of 500MW clean energy power generation projects. Through the acquisition of Jiangsu born Environmental Engineering Complete Equipment Co., Ltd., the big environmental protection business company entered the odor control industry in municipal and industrial environment fields, quickly cut into the odor control industry segment market, and utilized Jiangsu born in the odor control field, at the same time, it has biological method, washing and absorption method, active carbon absorption method, photocatalytic oxidation and plasma oxidation method, regenerative combustion method and catalysis Relevant advantages such as combustion method, plant liquid spray technology, perfect technology R & D system and team, and diversified business model that can reflect core technology are quickly cut into odor control industry, to assist Jiangsu born in expanding the existing business scale, actively expanding the industrial VOCs, integrated treatment of black and smelly river, and further increasing R & D efforts to help it become a The comprehensive environmental protection enterprise integrating scientific research, manufacturing, engineering and operation will become the main profit growth point and business support of the company in the future. Future Ltd will closely integrate the relevant industrial policies of national environmental protection, new energy and odor control, and expand the new profit pattern and develop profit growth points around the new concept of integrated Energy Service Companies and Internet plus energy.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/14afd567d.html 联系电话:051263340859


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