匀酒品牌怎么样 申请店铺

匀酒是哪个国家的品牌?「匀酒」是 成都观真酒业有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于四川省成都市,由创始人卢 * 利在2010年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。



自上个世纪90年代起,在卢国利先生和吴卫红女士的带领下,观真就一直专注于中国白酒产业战略研究、品牌策划、市场营销、企业管理、网络掌控、渠道执行、团队建设等全程实战研究与实践,且取得了全行瞩目的重大成果,操盘了包含五粮液、国窖•1573 、郎酒、高炉家•徽酒等在内的名酒品牌。




2016年11月,观真集团专注3年、耗资9700万的观真互联网强关系创新营销体系构建完成。创新营销体系创造性提出:“三个群体、三个动机、三个圈层”理论,并用红包玩法彻底绑定用户, 颠覆关系格局。创新模式一经推出,多地经销商及消费者热烈追捧,强关系新品创造出:1个半月新品招商回款1.36亿元;1个市场经销商首单打款1000万元;1场品鉴会收到现金875万元;1个地 级市14家超市;10天新品动销4200件;1场12人规模小品会团购新品订货160件……的销售奇迹。


Chengdu Guanzhen Liquor Co., Ltd. was established on February 22, 2010. At the beginning of its establishment, it focused on brand creation, production and manufacturing, brand agency, marketing, network control and customer service of Chinese liquor industry and related traditional industries, and was a marketing platform operator of liquor brand. Since the 1990s, under the leadership of Mr. Lu Guoli and Ms. Wu Weihong, Guanzhen has been focusing on the whole process practical research and practice of China's liquor industry strategy research, brand planning, marketing, enterprise management, network control, channel implementation, team building, etc., and has made significant achievements, including Wuliangye, Guojiao · 1573, Langjiu , famous brands such as bfj, Huijiu, etc. In the same year, Guanzhen Liquor Co., Ltd. held Guizhou Duyun distillery, one of the "eight old famous liquors in Guizhou", and actively carried out the restructuring and implementation of the project of "technical transformation to restore 10000 tons of production capacity". By 2015, the production capacity of the distillery was increased from less than 3000 tons in 2010 to more than 50000 tons. At the same time, the construction of its own brand "Guanzhen" liquor marketing network has also achieved continuous success. So far, it has a considerable scale, covering 33 provinces and cities, including Guizhou, Beijing, Tangshan, Yunnan, Chongqing, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Guangxi, Shandong, Liaoning, Guangdong, and 25 offices. With the rapid development of the Internet, Guanzhen company has a keen insight into the changes of the liquor market and the needs of consumers, and has entered the Internet field decisively. In 2012, Guanzhen company began to brew the "Seventh Element" original cocktail brand. In 2014, Guanzhen company officially established the Seventh Element Technology Co., Ltd., which involves Internet technology, creative R & D, and creative peripheral industries, and successfully realized the transformation from traditional enterprises to each other Transformation of Internet technology companies. In November 2016, Guanzhen group focused on three years and spent 97 million yuan to build the innovative marketing system of Guanzhen Internet strong relationship. Innovative marketing system creatively puts forward the theory of "three groups, three motives and three circles", and thoroughly binds users with red bag playing method to subvert the relationship pattern. As soon as the innovation mode is launched, many dealers and consumers enthusiastically pursue it and create new products with strong relationship: RMB 136 million for new product investment in one and a half months; RMB 10 million for the first single hit of one market dealer; RMB 8.75 million for one appraisal meeting; 14 supermarkets in one Prefecture level city; 4200 new products for 10 days; 160 new products for group purchase in one 12 person small product meeting Sales miracle. Since then, the value distribution system of traditional liquor industry will be reconstructed, the backward market order will be disintegrated, and the pattern of liquor industry will be completely subverted!

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/181ebd416.html 联系电话:400-993-7399


7×24h 快讯


熟悉此事的人士周五表示,私募股权投资公司Blackstone正就以约35亿美元收购EQT Corp所拥有的州际天然气管道的少数股权进行深入谈判。如果谈判成功,这笔交易将有助于该天然气生产商削减其在今年早些时候收购管道运营商Equitrans Midstream时积累的债务。消息人士称,Blackstone计划通过其信贷和保险部门进行投资,但由于讨论保密,他们要求匿名。消息人士补充说,如果谈判没有破裂,交易可能会在未来几周内签署。消息人士称,作为与Blackstone交易的一部分,EQT将继续运营输油管道。(新浪财经)













