人人贷品牌怎么样 申请店铺

人人贷平台多年来坚持专业、严谨、自律、合规的发展理念,凭借自身的技术、风控实力以及专业的管理团队,一直走在行业前列,不仅始终坚持小额分散,并于2016年2月完成银行资金存管,是早期完成银行资金存管的平台之一。 经过多年的稳健发展,人人贷已经成为行业领军者。 友信金服(原人人友信)于2014年获得1.3亿美元A轮融资,打破当时全球同行业单笔融资纪录。
Renren loan business consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Renren loan"), a well-known brand of Internet financial management, a professional online lending information intermediary service platform, is an enterprise dedicated to providing professional online credit and investment matching services for high growth groups. Founded in 2010, it is a professional online lending information intermediary service platform under Youxin financial services. As one of the early Internet lending information intermediary service platforms in China, renrendai.com focuses on providing professional online credit and loan matching services for high growth groups. Renren loan platform has been in the forefront of the industry for many years, adhering to the development concept of professional, rigorous, self-discipline and compliance, relying on its own technology, risk control strength and professional management team. It not only adheres to small amount dispersion, but also completes the bank capital deposit in February 2016, which is one of the early platforms to complete the bank capital deposit. After years of steady development, Renren loan has become the industry leader. Youxin financial services (formerly Renren Youxin) obtained USD 130 million round a financing in 2014, breaking the single financing record of the same industry in the world at that time.