李时珍家方酒品牌怎么样 申请店铺

李时珍家方酒是哪个国家的品牌?     李时珍医药集团位于湖北蕲春,是明代伟大医药学家李时珍的故乡,其丰富而优良的药材资源、独特的自然环境孕育了蕲春古老的中医药文化,为我国重要的药材产地,在当地,素有“路人皆懂医,指草皆为药”之说







Li Shizhen Pharmaceutical Group, located in Qichun, Hubei Province, is the hometown of Li Shizhen, a great medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty. Its rich and excellent medicinal resources and unique natural environment gave birth to the ancient Chinese medicine culture of Qichun. It is an important origin of medicinal materials in China. In the local area, it is known as "passers-by all know medicine, and the grass is medicine". The history of Li Shizhen Pharmaceutical Group is along the Li's winery in Ming, Qing and the Republic of China and the Li Shizhen pharmacy (Qizhou old street) in QianDian and Houchang. In April 1958, Li Shizhen pharmaceutical factory was officially established in Qizhou, producing 25 kinds of cough syrup and other proprietary drugs. In August 1970, Sijunzi pill, Xiangsha Liujun pill, Liuwei Dihuang pill, Gouju Dihuang pill, Guipi pill and berberine tablet were produced. In 1998, on the basis of Li Shizhen pharmaceutical factory, Li Shizhen Pharmaceutical Group was integrated, merged and established, which made Li Shizhen pharmaceutical enterprise carry forward. With the rapid development of lishizhen Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., the group currently has 19 dosage forms of traditional Chinese medicine production, 232 national pharmaceutical quasi brand products, and 4 national protected varieties of traditional Chinese medicine, among which the product groups represented by compendium of Materia Medica, Shexiang Qutong liniment, Xianglian capsule, etc. have been among the top sales of similar products in the country for many years. Hubei Qichun compendium of Materia Medica Biotechnology Park is exclusively invested and constructed by Li Shizhen Pharmaceutical Group, with a planning area of 2500 mu. The park is also divided into Li Shizhen Pharmaceutical Industrial Park and Li Shizhen materia medica park. It integrates GMP drug production, gap medicine planting, GLP new drug research, GSP medicine logistics, teaching, science popularization, tourism and health care. It is a modern production of traditional Chinese medicine in Central China The base, known as "Chinese Medicine Valley", is designated as the experimental base of traditional Chinese medicine by Hubei provincial government. The group directly manages more than 700 service offices across the country, with more than 9000 marketing personnel, forming a "pyramid style" direct business system. Employees in the group have a wide range of development space and perfect career planning, with high loyalty and stability. Since 2009, the group has been listed in the top 100 of China's pharmaceutical industry for four consecutive years, and won the 51st place in the top 100 of China's pharmaceutical industry in 2013. In 2013, "compendium of Materia Medica" brand was awarded famous protection by the State Administration for Industry and commerce. "Passing on the great achievements of Shizhen medicine, writing a new chapter of science" is the development concept of the group, and "building a century old enterprise, creating a world famous brand" is the goal of the group. As Li Shizhen's successor, Li Shizhen Pharmaceutical Group is responsible for promoting traditional Chinese medicine. On the basis of inheriting the essence of traditional Chinese medicine culture, we should use modern pharmaceutical concept and production technology to upgrade and transform traditional Chinese medicine, use modern production process and management methods to produce traditional Chinese medicine, turn traditional Chinese medicine into modern Chinese medicine, adapt to the development of the times and meet the needs of the people. Let traditional Chinese medicine, a national treasure, go to the world and benefit mankind.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/4b17b5772.html


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