家兴业旺品牌怎么样 申请店铺

家兴业旺是哪个国家的品牌?「家兴业旺」是 贵州省仁怀市茅台镇国宝酒厂有限责任公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于贵州省遵义市,由创始人梁 * 旺在1992年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


董事长袁忠炳先生毕业于重庆建筑工程学院,后改学管理学。经过十五年来艰苦创业,创建了在国内酒类行业实行 直销连锁方式 的营销模式,获得了各消费者的好评。具体操作为各地、市均为 一级 代理商,厂家专车送货,减少经营过程中的许多中间环节,产品直接让利给消费者。


酱香型53度国宝御酒及1818系列产品系国宝酒厂核心品牌,国宝御酒系列是酒厂主导产品,承千年传统醇造工艺,结合现代技术,采用荣获专利的植物埋藏法贮存,勾兑后的成品酒酱香纯正,口感细腻,回味悠长空杯隔夜留香,酒体挂杯,酒液倒出时酒断丝连,实为酱香经典,即充分体现了中国白酒传统文化,又代表白酒健康发展的方向。公司宏伟的可行性目标为 立足当地,面向全国,辐射东盟 。

Established in Nanning and Guigang of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guangxi Maotai Guobao Liquor Sales Co., Ltd. is mainly connected with ASEAN to boost domestic demand. The state will develop Guangxi into a new area of economic and material export trading center. Guobaoyujiu and 1818 series of brands play a role in promoting, publicizing and selling the liquor industry at home and abroad. The company belongs to Guobao distillery sales company. Mr. Yuan zhongbing, deputy director and shareholder of Guobao distillery in Maotai Town, serves as the chairman of the board of directors. He is fully responsible for the research and development, sales, advertising, investment promotion, etc. of all products of Guobao distillery in Guizhou Province, China in the markets of the whole country, Europe, America and ASEAN countries. Mr. Yuan zhongbing, chairman of the board of directors, graduated from Chongqing Institute of construction engineering and later changed to management. After 15 years of hard work, the company has established a marketing mode of direct selling chain in the domestic liquor industry, which has won the praise of consumers. The specific operation is that all regions and cities are first-class agents, and the manufacturers deliver goods by car, reducing many intermediate links in the business process, and the products directly yield the profits to consumers. Since the establishment of the company, under the leadership of chairman yuan zhongbing, the company has made great efforts, inherited the past and ushered in the future, kept pace with the times, carried forward the past and opened up the future, built an image outside, and strengthened internal management, which has made the company develop steadily. At the same time, through the joint efforts of hundreds of management personnel of the company, the market is under unified supervision, guidance and coordination, so that Maotai Guobao liquor has set up more than 1000 agents and exclusive stores in the country and two-thirds of ASEAN cities. The 53 degree Guobao Yujiu and 1818 series products of Maotai flavor type are the core brands of Guobao distillery. Guobao Yujiu series are the leading products of the distillery. They inherit the traditional alcohol making technology of thousands of years, combine with modern technology, adopt the patented plant burying method for storage, and the blended finished wine has pure Maotai flavor, fine taste, long empty cup for overnight fragrance, hanging cup for wine body, and broken silk when the liquor is poured out The classic of Maotai flavor not only fully embodies the traditional culture of Chinese liquor, but also represents the direction of healthy development of liquor. The company's grand feasibility goal is to base itself on the local area, face the whole country and radiate to ASEAN.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/5378a49b4.html 联系电话:0851-5501366


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熟悉此事的人士周五表示,私募股权投资公司Blackstone正就以约35亿美元收购EQT Corp所拥有的州际天然气管道的少数股权进行深入谈判。如果谈判成功,这笔交易将有助于该天然气生产商削减其在今年早些时候收购管道运营商Equitrans Midstream时积累的债务。消息人士称,Blackstone计划通过其信贷和保险部门进行投资,但由于讨论保密,他们要求匿名。消息人士补充说,如果谈判没有破裂,交易可能会在未来几周内签署。消息人士称,作为与Blackstone交易的一部分,EQT将继续运营输油管道。(新浪财经)













