东流水品牌怎么样 申请店铺

东流水是哪个国家的品牌?「东流水」是 山东宏济堂阿胶有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于山东,由创始人王建民在2008-08-06期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。














In 1902, Yue Jingyu (the prototype of Bai Jingqi, the protagonist of the TV drama "big house gate"), the 12th generation successor of Beijing Tongrentang and Yue family, donated Shandong alternate road to Jinan. He made friends with Yang Shihui, the governor of Shandong Province, and was entrusted by him to organize "Shandong official medicine bureau". Guangxu 32 years (1906) located in front of the main street, "Shandong official medicine bureau" was established, Le Jingyu as the manager of the official medicine bureau. In the 33rd year of Guangxu (1907), Le Jingyu invested 2000 yuan and bought the right of Shandong government pharmaceutical bureau to bear it, which was renamed as "hongjitang Drugstore". In the first year of Xuantong (1909), Le Jingyu realized that Baotu Spring was steaming with water, cloud and mist, sweet and clear, and smart, gathering essence and absorbing Qi. He set up "Hongji rubber factory" in Dongliu water beside Baotu Spring in Jinan. In view of the smell of fishy and filthy donkey hide gelatin produced at that time, Le Jingyu went through a large number of ancient medical books and pharmacopoeia, visited famous glue makers, and spared no effort to hire Liu Huai'an, a rubber maker from Yanggu County, to Jinan. Le Jingyu has high quality requirements for donkey hide gelatin. He is not afraid of labor and materials, but must be excellent. In the east of hongjitang, Ejiao collects the essence of "the best spring in the world"; Shandong has the unique fresh donkey skin of Dezhou black donkey; it is equipped with many precious medicinal materials; it has created the "nine day and night refined method" (intangible cultural heritage); in addition to the smell of the regular method of boiling gum, the rubber block is amber, clear and sweet, and it can stimulate Qi and blood, which is easier to absorb, and has greater curative effect, making it the best water in the east of hongjitang Donkey hide gelatin. In 1909, tribute was paid to the empress of Longyu, who was regarded as the treasure of "nine days tribute glue" by the imperial palace of Qing Dynasty; in 1914, hongjitang dongshuiejiao won the "best gold medal award in Shandong Province"; in the same year, it also won the "super grade" award issued by the Ministry of railway industry, which was the highest praise of Chinese manufacturing industry at that time; in 1915, hongjitang dongshuiejiao won the best gold medal of Panama world expo, and was awarded the gold medal of Panama world expo At that time, it was known as "national glue" and became the first Chinese traditional medicine product that went to the world and won the gold medal in the world. According to the records of Jinan traditional Chinese medicine, hongjitang dongshuiejiao "has 12 models, such as fortune, fortune, longevity, wealth, and happiness". Its products are superior in quality and curative effect. Hongjitang dongshuiejiao is sold in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui and other provinces at home, and in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan and other countries abroad. At that time, Ejiao market was monopolized by hongjitang dongshuihe. It was worshipped by officials of the Qing Dynasty, nobles, elites, Yuan Shikai and other people in power at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen, the pioneer of the Republic of China, Mao Zedong, the founder of the people's Republic of China, and so on. The success of Ejiao in the east of hongjitang promoted the development of hongjitang's career. Since 1910, Le Jingyu has successively established "ejiaozhuang in Shenrong of Jinan hongjitang" in Jiangjia alley, qianmenwai street, Beijing; established the west number of hongjitang in Jinan commercial port, the middle number of hongjitang in jingerweiyi Road, Jinan, and opened a medicine store in Xiguan, Jinan, etc. In the 1930s, the total income of hongjitang accounted for two-thirds of the total number of Tongrentang. Jinan hongjitang, Beijing Tongrentang and Hangzhou Huqingyutang were also known as the "three famous halls in China". Le Jingyu is also in charge of Jinan hongjitang and Beijing Tongrentang. Part of the rooms of hongjitang dongshuiejiao factory were from 1925 to 1927. It was also the seat of Shandong provincial Party committee, where the main leaders lived or worked. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, Le Jingyu, a senior and sickly man, was still invited by Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou. His nephew Le Songsheng was honored to receive Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou twice. In July 1955, the people's Government of Jinan City carried out the public-private joint transformation of all the old traditional Chinese medicine brands in the city with hongjitang as the leader, and established Jinan herbal medicine company (Jinan herbal medicine Station). In 1996, it was transformed into Jinan Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., the predecessor of Shandong hongjitang Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. In 2008, Shandong hongjitang Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. invested to establish "Shandong hongjitang donkey hide gelatin Co., Ltd." in order to excavate precious traditional Chinese medicine products and restore the traditional production technology of donkey hide gelatin in the east stream of hongjitang. The company targeted to allocate personnel, seek and reuse the existing old pharmacists and technicians, and teach the production technology of donkey hide gelatin in the east stream of hongjitang, which is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine Product protection development. After the efforts in recent years, Shandong hongjitang donkey hide gelatin Co., Ltd. resumed its production and listing after nearly 60 years of interruption in accordance with the old tradition, old technology, old formula and old selection materials. In October 2010, CCTV CCTV CCTV 4 "all over China" shot "resurrected ancient glue" which was broadcast in 170 countries in the world. Since last year, CCTV channels CCTV4, CCTV7, and cctv12 have successively broadcast special documentaries reflecting the history and culture of Ejiao in the east of hongjitang, such as "travel all over China - yellow mandarin jacket", "national treasure Archives - Jiutian tribute glue", "local - Xiaolou spring and Autumn", "witness - Legend of ancient glue", which fully affirmed and deeply reported this product with historical and cultural characteristics 。 In 2010, hongjitang dongshuiejiao "nine lifting and nine baking" production technology has been listed in the intangible cultural heritage; it has been rated as the top ten products with folk culture characteristics by Jinan City.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/5bfd5b3bc.html 联系电话:053159838896


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