百多邦品牌怎么样 申请店铺

百多邦是哪个国家的品牌?「百多邦」是 中美天津史克制药有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于天津市,在1985年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。






中美史克注重以人为本,多年来,始终专注于创造一个以消费者为根本、以公司核心价值观为行为指南的、员工高度敬业的公司文化。公司激动人心的“3T”文化,即相互信任(Trust)、开放透明(Transparent)、积极主动 (Take initiative),吸引越来越多的人才加入我们的伟大事业。


Baidobang ® is a brand of skin topical anti bacterial infection owned by Sino American Shike. It was listed in the UK in 1985, and introduced into China by mesk in 1993. Due to its good drug use record, it applied for OTC listing in 2006. The product is Mupirocin Ointment, antibacterial treatment, and in 2012 launched the Pao Pao Bang wound disinfectant spray, which can effectively kill bacteria. Sino American Tianjin Shike Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a consumer health products company jointly invested and established by GSK, Tianjin Zhongxin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Tianjin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. China and the United States have been rooted in China since 1987. For more than 20 years, Sino American Shike has been adhering to the concept of great love and unforgettable, with high-quality products and love to repay the society and the vast number of patients and consumers. In 2008, in addition to the four OTC brands known to consumers, the new cantek, fenbide, baidobang and Shike enterovermin, the new cantek and fenbide brand families added new members. In 2008, the new cantek red suit was successfully launched; in 2009, the new fenbide phenol coffee tablet suit was successfully launched; in 2010, the new oral care brand of Sino American Shike was another eye-catching one The new brand "baolijing" has been successfully launched, providing a safe nursing plan for the majority of denture wearers in China! In the same year, Kangtaike nose patch was launched. In addition, Sino American Shike has been sparing no effort to study the needs of Chinese consumers, and with the help of global R & D forces, strive to continuously launch more high-quality products, in order to better care for the healthy life of Chinese consumers. For many years, we have been focusing on creating a company culture that is based on consumers, guided by the company's core values and highly dedicated employees. The company's exciting "3T" culture, namely trust, transparency and take initiative, attracts more and more talents to join our great cause. As an enterprise with a sense of social responsibility, Sino American Shike has never stopped paying attention to public welfare. In the Wenchuan earthquake, GSK China donated 10 million yuan to the Ministry of health of China on the second day of the earthquake, of which 2.6 million yuan was donated by China and the United States. After that, usk also organized employees to go deep into Dujiangyan, the disaster area, to practice their love and help local schools rebuild. In 2008, Shi Qinghua, the headmaster of Guangai school, who accepted 103 street children, was used as the advertising protagonist of fenbide brand by Sino American Shike. He funded Shi Qinghua to better engage in charity education by donating performance fees, donation of love health sports house and other ways. In addition, he also carried out an interactive volunteer activity of "go with love, grow with you" with the street children adopted by Mr. Shi.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/79e427f43.html 联系电话:400-9911-165,010-59252888


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