恒顺品牌怎么样 申请店铺

恒顺是哪个国家的品牌?「恒顺」是 江苏恒顺集团有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于江苏省镇江市,由创始人张玉宏在1840年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


一 百七十多年来,“恒顺人”始终以造福社会为己任,锐意进取、自强不息,将一个传统酱醋小作坊发展成为中国现今规模大、现代化程度高的食醋生产企业、全 国同行业较早上市公司。集团公司资产总额达到40亿,年销售超过20亿,其中主营销售12个亿。

作为中国四大名醋之一,在推动中国醋业发展的基础上,目前“百年恒顺”已形成:色醋、白醋、料酒、酱 类、酱油、麻油、酱菜等七大品类系列产品,广销50多个国家并供应我国驻外160多个国家使(领)馆。

“十三五”期间,“恒顺人”将围绕:主营业务规模力争实现翻番,主营销售力争超20亿;经济效益力争实现翻番,利税力争超3.5亿;上市公司市值力争实现翻番,公司市值力争超百亿;以及通过企业规模和效益的增长,力争恒顺员工工资福利水平迈入镇江同类企业行列的四大奋斗目标;从五个方面入手,着力推进企业跨越发展:一是通过产业转型升级,加快企业整合的步伐,努力实现“百年恒顺”由 多元化发展向聚焦主业发展的转型;二是要通过技术转型升级,加快企业现代化、信息化改造的步伐,努力实现由传统劳动密集型企业向现代化食品生产企业的转 型;三是要通过产品转型升级,加快新品开发和工艺改进的步伐,努力实现由传统调味食品向绿色营养保健产品延伸的转型;四是要通过机制转型升级,加快体制改革和机制创新的步伐,努力实现由传统国有经营机制向现代企业制度的转型;五是要通过经营模式的转型升级,加快兼并重组和管理创新的步伐,努力实现由生产经营型企业向品牌和资本经营型企业的转型。


Hengshun, originated from Huayan Sutra of Buddhism: Hengshun to all living beings, which means: always follow the needs of the goodness of all living beings. In 1840, Zhu zhaohuai, a Dantu man, established zhuhengshun drosophical house in accordance with the business philosophy of "Hengshun all living beings", thus starting the development journey of "Hengshun for one hundred years". For more than 170 years, "Hengshun people" has always taken the benefit of the society as its own duty, determined to forge ahead and constantly strive for self-improvement. It has developed a small traditional soy sauce and vinegar workshop into a large-scale and modern vinegar production enterprise in China and an earlier listed company in the same industry in China. The total assets of the group company reached 4 billion, with an annual sales volume of more than 2 billion, of which the main sales volume was 1.2 billion. As one of the four famous vinegar in China, on the basis of promoting the development of China's vinegar industry, "century Hengshun" has formed seven categories of products: colored vinegar, white vinegar, cooking wine, sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil, pickles, etc., which are widely sold in more than 50 countries and supplied to more than 160 embassies (consulates) abroad. During the 13th Five Year Plan period, "Hengshun people" will focus on: striving to double the main business scale, striving to exceed 2 billion for main marketing sales; striving to double the economic benefits, striving to exceed 350 million for profits and taxes; striving to double the market value of listed companies, striving to exceed 10 billion for the market value of the company; and striving to enter Zhenjiang's similar enterprises through the growth of enterprise scale and benefits, striving to reach the salary and welfare level of Hengshun employees The four goals of the industry ranks: first, speed up the pace of enterprise integration through industrial transformation and upgrading, and strive to achieve the transformation of "century Hengshun" from diversified development to focusing on the development of the main industry; second, speed up the pace of enterprise modernization and information transformation through technological transformation and upgrading, and strive to achieve the transformation from traditional labor The transformation from intensive enterprises to modern food production enterprises; the third is to accelerate the pace of new product development and process improvement through product transformation and upgrading, and strive to realize the transformation from traditional seasoned food to green nutrition and health care products; the fourth is to accelerate the pace of system reform and mechanism innovation through mechanism transformation and upgrading, and strive to realize the transformation from traditional state-owned operation mechanism to modern enterprise The fifth is to speed up the pace of merger, reorganization and management innovation through the transformation and upgrading of business model, and strive to achieve the transformation from a production-oriented enterprise to a brand and capital oriented enterprise. The self-improvement "Hengshun people" have a dream: on the basis of strengthening and optimizing the seasoning plate with vinegar as the core business, vigorously cultivate two new growth points of Hengshun nutrition and health care and Hengshun health drink, and lay a solid foundation for the realization of "ten billion Hengshun" grand goal through unremitting efforts during the period. We will make greater contributions to the development of traditional Chinese industries and the revitalization of national industries.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/c6e1d1dc6.html 联系电话:0511-85233758,400-8288118


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根据法国巴黎银行Markets 360预测,美债在第四季度的表现可能优于欧洲债券。预计发达国家固定收益资产的收益率将会下降,但美国的下降幅度会比欧洲的更大。而日债是一个例外,日本央行一直在加息,而其他主要央行则在降息或即将开始降息。鉴于对美联储降息后美国10年期国债收益率下跌空间有限的看法,该团队认为,在美联储行动之后,日本10年期国债的收益率可能会升高。(新浪财经)

