松滨老醋品牌怎么样 申请店铺

松滨老醋是哪个国家的品牌?「松滨老醋」是 松原市松滨老醋有限责任公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于吉林省松原市,由创始人都 * 梅在1912年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。







公司产品除在我省城乡地区销售外,还在黑龙江省哈尔滨市、大庆市、内蒙古赤峰市、通辽市、乌兰浩特市、辽宁沈阳市以及上海、杭州、金华、南京、桐城、镇江、扬州等南方城市广泛销售。2012年,公司联合风华农产品开发中心,选用该中心特色的有机农产品富硒大米、富硒小麦、富硒黄豆生产有机富硒醋和有机富硒酱油,经过公司科研团队努力专研、联合攻关,成功研制出有机富硒酱油、有机富硒醋。有机富硒醋所用原料是经过国家认证的松原风华农产品开发中心有机农产品基地生产的有机稻米,糯米。松花江流域肥沃的黑土、充足的阳光、甘甜的江水、孕育出口感香滑、晶莹剔透的优质稻米、糯米,以此原料酿醋,醇香适口、胜人一筹。此稻米在生长过程中运用了生物富硒技术,命名稻米含硒由0.03 mg/kg提高到0.10-0.28 mg/kg,用此稻米酿醋,食醋中有机硒含量比普通食醋高6-10倍。除富硒之外,本品严格按照有机产品要求生产,并经国家认证,故称有机富硒醋。另外,本品采用生料豌豆大曲、夫曲和生香酵母做发酵剂,经低温固态发酵而成。酿制过程属于低温培养,益生菌自然繁殖。故所含益生菌系丰富,成品中不添加任何添加剂和防腐剂。因此产品特点为:多菌种、纯酿造、零添加。




Songbin vinegar Co., Ltd. originated from "Songjiang soy sauce garden" in the early Republic of China. It has a history of one hundred years since the founder Zhao Shouxin started his business in 1912. Over the past 100 years, Fuyu vinegar has experienced generations, continued to carry forward, worked hard and worked hard to make Fuyu vinegar become a well-known local brand in Songyuan City and even in Jilin Province. Songbin vinegar Co., Ltd. is a production and processing enterprise, mainly engaged in the production, processing and sales of agricultural products and condiments. The annual production and processing of agricultural products is more than 5000 tons, and the annual production of various deep-processing products is 7000 tons. The company has 166 employees, two fields, covering an area of 30000 square meters, with total assets of nearly 40 million yuan, annual sales revenue of 32.15 million yuan, profits and taxes of 700000 yuan and profits of 1.52 million yuan. In recent years, due to the expansion of the company's production scale and the expansion of multiple sales channels for processing products, the purchase volume has increased significantly. At the same time, the company also expanded the storage capacity of agricultural products in the peak season. The short-term storage capacity increased from the original 6000 tons to 9000 tons, so that the company formed a supporting industrial chain of supply, production and sales. Due to the sufficient supply of supporting raw materials for supply, production and marketing, the enterprise scale has been expanded. In addition to the processing and production of black soybeans, selenium rich rice and other special agricultural products for foreign sales, the company's self processed products are divided into four categories and more than 30 varieties. The main varieties are Fuyu old vinegar, selenium rich red koji vinegar, black bean sauce, black bean sauce, soy bean sauce, soy bean sauce, banquet vinegar, Pueraria grape vinegar and other health vinegar products. The company has a full-featured production workshop, a testing room, a bacteria culture room, a laboratory, and a professional R & D team. In 2007, it was recognized as a science and technology enterprise by the provincial science and technology department. Since 2003, the company has increased its research and development efforts, not only building its own research and development team, but also connecting Jilin University, Shandong University, Tianjin University of science and technology, Wuhan Jiacheng biological products company, Shanghai Institute of Microbiology and other scientific research institutions, successively developing new products such as banquet vinegar, banquet tribute vinegar, selenium rich red koji vinegar, black soybean soy sauce, Pueraria grape vinegar, etc In addition to sales in urban and rural areas of Heilongjiang Province, the products are also widely sold in Harbin, Daqing, Chifeng, Tongliao, Ulanhot, Shenyang, Liaoning, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Jinhua, Nanjing, Tongcheng, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou and other southern cities in Heilongjiang Province. In 2012, the company cooperated with Fenghua agricultural product development center to produce organic selenium rich vinegar and organic selenium rich soy sauce with organic agricultural products such as selenium rich rice, selenium rich wheat and selenium rich soybeans. Through the efforts of the company's scientific research team and joint research, the company successfully developed organic selenium rich soy sauce and organic selenium rich vinegar. The raw materials of organic selenium rich vinegar are organic rice and glutinous rice produced by organic agricultural products base of Fenghua agricultural products development center of Songyuan certified by the state. Songhua River Basin is rich in black soil, abundant in sunshine, sweet in river water, and produces high-quality rice and glutinous rice which are fragrant, smooth and crystal clear for export. Vinegar made from this raw material is mellow, palatable and superior. In the process of rice growth, the technology of biological selenium enrichment was used. The selenium content of named rice increased from 0.03mg/kg to 0.10-0.28mg/kg. The content of organic selenium in vinegar was 6-10 times higher than that of common vinegar. In addition to selenium, this product is produced in strict accordance with the requirements of organic products and certified by the state, so it is called organic selenium vinegar. In addition, the product uses raw pea Daqu, Fu Qu and raw yeast as the fermentation agent, and is made by low-temperature solid-state fermentation. The brewing process belongs to low temperature culture, and probiotics propagate naturally. Therefore, the probiotics contained are abundant, and no additives and preservatives are added to the finished product. Therefore, the product features: multi strain, pure brewing, zero addition. In January 2013, the company successfully developed organic high calcium vinegar, adding another great achievement to the company's health series vinegar. Organic high calcium vinegar is produced in the process of fermentation. Besides organic rice as the main material, it also selects raw materials rich in glucose, fructose, acid, calcium, zinc, iron and other trace elements to participate in the fermentation. Such as: Spirulina, kelp, jujube, yam, wolfberry, mulberry, Caulis Spatholobi, black beans, etc. It is rich in calcium, iron, blood circulation, liver and kidney. It can make the product multi-dimensional, high calcium, and rich in many trace elements. It has obvious tonic effect, and it can adjust human function, regulate blood lipid and partial acid body fluid. Due to the expansion of the order base and the increase of farmers, a wide range of sales channels have been formed for the characteristic products of enterprises. The production and processing capacity and scale of the enterprise are also expanded. At present, the additional investment of the project is expected to reach 27 million yuan, which is also a new idea to increase with the development of the enterprise. At present, the construction of the project is in intense progress. The construction of the production base of characteristic agricultural products and the extension of the industrial chain of intensive processing of characteristic agricultural products have laid the foundation for enterprises. Enterprises increase investment, on the one hand, increase the capacity of collection and storage, centralized collection and storage of characteristic agricultural products in autumn. At the same time, we will speed up the construction of agricultural industrialization projects, further expand the scale of enterprises, and adapt to the economic situation of development. On the other hand, we should adhere to the principle of being precise, meticulous, quality-oriented, benefit oriented and brand-building, constantly consolidate the production technology of traditional products, constantly expand the development channels of new products, establish the idea of being a century old enterprise and a world brand, and constantly climb new heights based on quality, guided by brand.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/724c76c15.html 联系电话:0438-3110781


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根据法国巴黎银行Markets 360预测,美债在第四季度的表现可能优于欧洲债券。预计发达国家固定收益资产的收益率将会下降,但美国的下降幅度会比欧洲的更大。而日债是一个例外,日本央行一直在加息,而其他主要央行则在降息或即将开始降息。鉴于对美联储降息后美国10年期国债收益率下跌空间有限的看法,该团队认为,在美联储行动之后,日本10年期国债的收益率可能会升高。(新浪财经)

